Percy's return to Goode

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Congrats to demigodTARDIShunter for answering the question first!  You rock!!!!

If you have been reading this story, you would know by now that I don't own any of
Rick's AWESOME stuff.

Also, WE REACHED 1.0k!!! Thanks guys!!!

So onward to Da story!!!!!!!

Percy P.O.V

I can't believe it.  Chiron is making us demigods go to high school!!!  Why, Chiron, WHY????????  We just came back from a war.  I would rather fight any monster than go to *shudder* school.  First day is tomorrow.  Jolly good fun. 

------------VERY DRAMATIC FLASHBACK---------

Chiron called all the cabin counselors for a meeting at da big house.  I wonder what for....  oh well.  Ill find out .   it's not about a new threat rising again.  That would be a new record.  A week after the war.  Maybe there will be blue food at the meeting...

"Welcome heroes."  Chiron comes in, in centaur form.  "I know you are all wondering what I called you in for." A bunch of the campers mutter in agreement.  "I also know a lot of you are hoping it's not another threat rising.  And luckily, it's not." We all sigh, relieved.  I don't care what it is as long as it's not that.  "I have called you in to inform you, that you young Demigods will be going to high school."  Everyone chatters angrily.  I agree with them.  High school is a nightmare, even without ADHD and dyslexia, but that just makes it worse.  What would I even tell the kids at school?  I've been gone for a while.  What would they say if I suddenly showed up?  Normally, we could've used the mist to cover up my absence.  But a certain dirt face, *cough* Gaea *cough* pulled one last trick before we defeated her, and destroyed the mist.  Great.  Just great.

"But why Chiron?" Clarisse yells, "We just came out of a war, and try to live a normalish life, and now we have to go to school?!  We have ADHD and dyslexia.  This is pointless and dumb ." That's the clarisse we all know and loathe (in a loving way )

Chiron just smiles. "Well Ms.La Rue, if you are trying to have a normal life, you would go to high school, Just like every other teenager." Oooh burn.  Clarisse looks like she wants to say something, but she smartly keeps her mouth shut.  "You children need an education, and this will give you a chance to find any Demigods there too.  You leave tomorrow morning." Then he turns and walks out.  This is gonna be an interesting year.


I sigh remembering yesterday's meeting.  Then I look up at my high school and walk in.  Since I haven't been here for over a year, luckily it's only the first week of school, so I don't have to start in the middle of the year. I have to go to the office and get a schedule and stuff.  I still know my way around, so I navigate my way around the mob of teenagers to the office.

"State your name and purpose." Mrs.Heck, the Secretary asks, not even looking up from her computer. 

"Umm... Percy Jackson.  I'm new here." She looks up, looking uninterested.  Wow.  I feel so loved.

"I was informed that you were coming.  Wait here for a minute while I print out your schedule." She types some stuff on the computer for a few minutes.  I start tapping my fingers on her desk.  Blame the ADHD people.  She looks up and raises her eyebrows.

"Sorry." I stop tapping my fingers and start humming under the sea.  Mrs.Heck face palms.  Then she hands me my schedule.

"You are in Mr. Sheppard's homeroom, and your locker is 314.  Your combination is on the post it note." She says, still typing as she says all this.  "Have a good day." Ya, right.

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