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DISCLAIMER: I don't own...

Percy: she doesn't own me!No-one oWns Da beast!

Me: sure...

Percy: can you just tell the story already?!

Me: this isn't over yet Jackson.  But fine

Matt P.O.V

Hi other human life forms (or whatever you people are, ostrich?  Llama? Idk.  Ill shut up now😅).  My name is Matt.  Also known as:




You get the picture.  If you haven't guessed, I'm a "nerd" and people like me are often frowned upon in modern day society.

At school I don't really have anyone to socialize with.  At lunch I usually sit at what people call the "loser" table.  This table in includes me, Nico Di Angelo, and a few other people.  Nico is strange.  He has black hair and brown, nearly black, eyes.  He is always wearing black, and never has smiled since I'd seen him.

Oh crap.  Here comes Sam.  Well I guess I should explain who this immature imbecile is.  

Sam is what girls would call "hot".  he is very popular among everyone, and everyone wants to be his friend.  

Anyway, Sam loves to torment me.  He meets me everywhere, and disrespects me in every way possible.  Wedgies, punches, emails, and worst, verbal abuse.  He calls me the worst things, that I would not want our younger audiences to hear.  These insults really damage self esteem and confidence.  And he always comes at this place at this time everyday.  

"How's it going loser?" Sam asks

"Fine thanks." I say, "but could you kindly move yourself so I can get to my class."

"But," he says "I don't have any classes this period, and I was hoping to take you along to football practice so I can practice my aim." He says, tossing his ball from hand to hand.

"I think I'll pass." I say hurriedly, and start to navigate my way around him.

"Oh, I love how you say that as if you have a choice."

"This is a free country you know." I say, "according to..."

"Listen, SHUT.  IT."

He then grabbed me by my shirt collar and started dragging me to the football field.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice says behind Sam.  I realize it's Nico Di Angelo.  The last person I would expect to be there.

"Whats it to you, death boy?" Sam says letting go of my collar, and walks toward Nico.  But Nico doesn't seem nervous at all.

"I'm sick of you being a jerk." Nico says.  I notice people crowding around us.

Sam then trays to punch Nico in the jaw, but Nico catches his fist, and throws his own at Sam.  It hits him square in the nose.  By this time the whole school is gathered around us, watching the fight.  A minute in, Sam gets lucky and kicks Nico in the knee.  Nico looks really angry now.  Suddenly, a crack appears in the ground, and skeletons come out.  

"I am Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, and savior of Olympus.  You will not disturb anyone here again." And with that he disappears.  I never saw him again.


Nico is pretty scary, huh?

Stay cool Demigods,


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