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I'm bored of saying this, but...

DISCLAIMER: I don't own ANYTHING I'm pretty much broke.  If I did own PJO, I'd be rich.

Logan P.O.V

Yo.  Logan here.  Me and my girlfriend Loren had a very strange day.


I have decided to take my girlfriend Loren to a picnic today.  It will be epic!!!!I I planned it on Long island.  But shush my children.  It's a surprise.

I have planned to go to her house, and ask her to follow me and... BAM.  

*knock knock knock*  at Lorens house.  Hopefully she falls for it.  

"Who is it?" She yells from inside

"Your favorite person in the world"  I yell back.  She opens the door.  

"What is it this time loser?"  She says with mock annoyance.

"I just wanted to take a walk."  I reply, totally poker faced.

"Well let's go then!" She exclaims, skipping down the driveway.  I just don't get girls.  A species unknown to mankind.

We talk about random things on the way there.  Who will be prom king and queen, who is crushing on who, if you haven't noticed, Loren started most of those conversations.  

Almost there...

Getting closer...

Just a little bit more...

Just a teensy weensy bit to go...

Any second now...

FINALLY. That 2 minute walk took forever. 

"TA DA!" I say gesturing toward the picnic.  She smiles.

"Wow Logan, this is too much." She says, wiping a fake tear from her face.  Ok, now here is the weird stuff.  Just a little bit away from our spot, I see an arch that says "camp half-blood" on it. (A.N. no mist remember?) Loren follows my gaze , and sees where I'm looking.

"Logan lets go check it out." She says, and starts running towards it.  Well, that's Loren for you.  I obviously follow, cuz I'm the caring and concerned boyfriend.  When we get closer, I see a dragon, that seems to be guarding a tree.  A DRAGON? I mean, we learned that the gods were real and stuff, but I didn't really believe it until now.

"Is that really a..." Loren whispers, her face a mixture of, confusion, excitement, worry, and a lot of other things. 

"I think it is." I answer her question.  We had found the camp for Demigods.

I cautiously walk towards it. We get right in front of the arch.  We see a whole camp inside.  Cabins, an arena, dining pavilion, etc. 

At that moment, a guy with messy black hair, and bright sea green eyes, walks out.  He sees us, and stiffens. 

"If you're here from the government  to arrest the 'freaks' then you can leave now."  The boy says, with a sad, and angry expression on his face.

"We don't mean any harm," my awesome girlfriend says, "we were just having a picnic and stumbled upon your camp." The boy studies us.  As if deciding whether to trust us or not.

"You won't tell anyone?" He asks, with a hopeful expression on his face. 

" I don't plan on it." 

"Thank you." He says, looking relieved.  "I couldn't stand this place being torn down.  It's the only place I belong." With that, he walks back into the camp.

We had the picnic in silence.

--flashback over!-----

Since then, I've had a respect for Demigods.  And I've made sure no harm comes to them.


So my young children, how was your day?  Mine was ok.  What are you having for dinner?  I'm having Chinese.  

Stay cool Demigods,


Da Mortals meet Da Demigods~no mistWhere stories live. Discover now