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DISCLAIMER: I don't own PJO or HOO

Jonathan P.O.V

Sup peeps? This is the J-dude king of Delphi high in San Fran California.  I'm the head of the football team, basketball team, and basically any other sports organization you can think of.  I got the whole school wrapped around my finger.  All the girls love me except for one special chick... Annabeth Chase

I know she is your stereotypical California girl with curly blond hair and a tan and lean body.  The strange thing about her is her intense gray eyes that look they are calculating your every move.  The only problem with asking her out is that she is at the bottom of the social pyramid.  She eats by herself at lunch, and pretty much keeps to herself.  But if she started hanging out with me, I could change that.  I'm planning on asking her out in homeroom today.

-------------in homeroom-------------

"Sit down class." The teacher says as soon as I walk in.  Crap.  Now I don't have time to ask her out.  Luckily I'm in most of her classes.  "Today we have a visitor" she starts.  Great another loser to join this dump.  "He will be joining us for the next few days from NYC.  Ill be right back." She says.  I'm about to go over to annabeth when she comes back with a boy.  "Class this is Percy Jackson"

Hmmmm.  I think I heard Annabeth mention him before.  Something about a summer camp? I dunno. This guy has windswept black hair, he's tan and lean, like he spent all his time at the beach, and he had bright sea green eyes.  I saw some girls swooning.  I immediately dislike him.  The strangest thing, Annabeth had a big smile plastered across her face and was muttering "seaweed brain" under her breath. What the heck does that mean?  "He will be joining Annabeth in all her classes." No. This. Can. Not. Be. Happening. He will ruin everything. Things couldn't be worse. Suddenly, Annabeth ran up to Percy and kissed him.  I spoke too soon.

"ANNABETH" our teacher yells, "SIT DOWN" she blushes and sits down.  "Percy you may sit down in the empty desk between Ms.Chase and Mr.Koslen" he plopped down between me and Annabeth, and started twirling his finger in her hair.  "Hi wise girl" he whispered "I missed you seaweed brain" Annabeth responds.  Grrrrrrrrrr

Time for science. I have a plan. I plan to break Percy and  Annabeth up. (A.N good luck with dat Johnny) I sit in my seat in science.  I'm Annabeth's lab partner. Percy sits next to me and Annabeth.  I put my plan into action.  "So Annabeth... how long have you known Percy?" I ask.  "Well we met when we were twelve." She says looking into his eyes.  Dang, that's a long time.  "How did you meet?" I continue. This time Percy answers. " our summer camp, I got injured and she helped nurse me back to health." I don't know how I can beat this guy.

Percy P.O.V

Throughout science, this guy keeps asking personal questions.  What is his evil plan????

Back to Jonathan P.O.V 

It's time for lunch. Annabeth and Percy go sit outside.  I ask if I can talk to Annabeth for a second. And Percy gives me a suspicious look but says yes. "Annabeth hon" I say "you can do way better than him.  You can rule this school along with me.  You know you want to." I put she gives me a look that says, I will kill you you jerk, and Percy stands up to join her. "How dare you say that you disgusting worm!" She screams "I am Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, and you will not insult me like this." As she says this a silver glow surrounded her. "I'm sick of laying low I'm going to camp and I'm not coming back.  Come on Percy." With that Percy gives me a glare. I shudder.  And then they walk away with the whole student body staring at them.  Wow. Just Wow.


That's it for this chap.  Constructive feedback is appreciated.

Stay cool Demigods, 


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