Chapter one. the silent hero

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Erens pov
I laid curled on my side as jean continually kicked me. I whimpered and tried to fight back but his group, Connie and Marco, held me down. I coughed up blood but he wouldn't stop. I didn't even do anything to deserve this..I was just walking down the hall to go home...I closed my eyes and their voices became echoed and distant, almost as if I was floating helplessly away into a dark abiss.
"Hey!" I heard a deep voice ring out and pull me back to my painful reality. I peeled my eyes open to see a boy, who seemed short, with black hair that was styled into a undercut, steel grey eyes, white skinny jeans and a black jacket. He had a few piercings too, one on his lip and two on his left ear. He wore a stoic face as he faces Jean.
"What do you want shorty? Can't you see I'm busy?" Jean asked moodily. The short raven haired boy took a step closer to jean, fire burning hot in his eyes, he raised his leg and easily kicked jean in the face sending him to the ground. The raven glared at the now in pain horseface. I crawled away from the boys and pressed myself against the wall, wishing it would swallow me whole and take me away from this, but that can't happen.
"Oi, brat you ok?" The raven said as he held out his hand for me to take. I stared at his hand for a while wondering what he was trying to do.
The raven sighed.
"Are you going to stare at my hand all day or are you going to get off that filthy ground?" He said impatiently. I took his hand and he easily pulled me up.
"T-thank you for saving me." I said while bowing my head and blushing.
"Tch, whatever now get out of here before the teachers come you brat." He said, I wasted no time in scrambling away from the boy who saved me. I ran straight home and slammed the door shut. I whinced in pain from the kicks horseface gave me but ignored the pain. I set my bag down and locked my door. Looking around the dimmly lit room I grabbed my work uniform, black skinny jeans, dark red tee shirt, a dark green collar and fluffy brown ears and tail, I love my job at the cafe. It's a cosplay cafe and today we are doing animal human hybrids. I put on my outfit and headed out into the cafe. I walked to the nearest table and smiled shyly.

"H-Hello...welcome to the Titain c-cafe...are you ready to o-order?" I asked while stuttering and blushing. A girl with messy brown hair that was in a high ponytail, brown eyes and some glasses awwed at me. I blushed brighter and looked away.

"No we are still waiting for a friend-oh here he is now." A man with short blonde hair, blue eyes and really..really big eyebrows.. said, I loomed up and saw...the boy that saved me?! My eyes widen but I shake it off and take there orders. A coffee for the girl, tea for the raven and water for eyebrows. I walked back and started the tea and coffee, once finishing I placed them on a tray along with eyebrows water and headed back out. I gave them there orders and smiled. The raven looked at me, his eyes widening slightly as if he just remembered, I ignored his gaze and tended to other costumers. But the entire time I felt his eyes on me..burning holes into my back while I did it.

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