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No ones pov

Eren had managed to convince the nurse to let him into levi's room after his surgery. Sam and luke, still in his wolf form, were found at the side of the bed, Luke having his large head in Sam's lap and Sam staring dazed at his brother. Eren entered the the room and Sam looked up, anger written in his face.

"You!" Sam yelled, his eyes flickered like a burning fire.

"This is your fault!" The white haired bird boy yelled, Eren looked to the ground.

"I d-don't know what I did!" Eren yelled as he looked up at Sam. Sam growled and narrowed his eyes. Eren glanced at the now tense wolf at Sam's side.

"Luke. Kill." Sam demanded, Erens eyes widened at the wolf and took a step back. Luke stared at Sam and folded his ears back, not moving.

"Luke I said kill!" Sam yelled, causing the wolf to flinch and whimper. Sam was about to go after Eren when a wolf stood in his way. Luke had his fur fluffed out, ears back and teeth bared.

"Luke..." Sam started, eyes saddening and falling back in his chair. Luke whined, walked back up to Sam and licked him, trying to comfort the poor boy. Eren walked up to levi, the room was silent apart from the soft beeps telling everyone Levi was alive.

Erens pov

"Levi why did you do this?" I asked, I bowed my head and sighed

"Because I just love being near death." A sarcastic voice said. I looked up to see Levi with a unamused look on his face. I smiled and gently hugged him. I moved away to let Sam through and he hugged his brother.

"B-baka!! Don't ever do that again!" He yelled, tears gathered in his eyes, Levi sighed and gently smacked his head.

"I won't, calm down" Levi said and shook his head. Armin came in and smiled.

"Um...excuse me but visiting hours is up, please leave. And Mr Jaeger your friend has already signed you out." A nurse said, I nodded, smiled and gave Levi a wave good bye before walking out.

Time skip

"Faggot!" Jean yelled as he kicked me, I groaned and curled up.

"Hey!" I heard Armin scream. Jean snickered and kicked me again before walking away. Armin knelt down and helped me get up and go to the nurse.

"Why do you let him do that?" He asked, I shrugged, armin sighed and gave me a friendly hug. The thing at the hospital was really nothing, when Armin kissed me his eyes glanced at Levi. After Levi stormed out he explained that magicaly he already knew I liked him and wanted to see what he would do. I hugged armin and smiled and I was told I was to go home. Getting up I bid a good bye to my friend and walked home. The sidewalk wasn't crowded and the cool air felt good on my skin. I bumped into someone and stumbled back. I looked down and saw Levi. I blushed and Levi looked up, his glare softened and he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry" I said, tears dripping from my eyes, Levi pulled away and smiled.

"Look at me brat." Levi said, I looked up and blushed at the lack of space between our faces. My face burned more as he placed his hands around my neck and leaned in and landed his lips to mine. I blushed brightly but leaned closer and placed my arms around his waist. His lips were soft and gentle. His kiss told me his feelings, I pulled away and leaned my forehead on his.

"Levi...?" I whispered

"Yea brat?" He asked with a small smile, I scowled at the name and pulled out of his arms.

"Nevermind you wouldn't want to know" I said, turning and walking off. I felt arms wrap around my middle I stopped.

"Tell me" Levi whispered into my back.

"I love you, Levi Ackerman." I stated and turned, kissing his on his nose. He fummed.

"You missed" Levi said, I kissed his cheek with a teasing smile.

"God dang it Eren just kiss me already!" Levi demanded, I chuckled.

"Yes your highness" I said and kissed him gently, our kiss getting heated rather quickly. I pulled away and lead Levi to my house, opening the door and pulling Levi in. I turned and pinned him to the door and kisses him rather roughly. Levi groaned softly and ran his hands up my shirt. I shivered and pulled away, moving to his neck where I sucked and bit softly at his skin. Levi moaned softly and panted.

"E-Eren..." Levi moaned, I chuckled and removed his shirt, placing my knee on his now hardening member. Levi's breath hitched and he grinded against me. I smiled as I went to remove his pants.

Yay cliff hanger!! Your welcome, that was extremely awkward to write but oh well! Enjoy

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