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Erens pov

I looked up the ticked off raven and winged boy after explaining what happened. Levi nodded and helped me up.

"Meet me at my house after getting cleaned up." He told me and walked away. Sam glared at me and threw his jacket on then walked towards me. I backed up slightly from the shorter male.

"Never tell anyone of my wings" he said, his eyes showing slight fear from the fact he revealed his secret. I nodded and he walked away from me muttering a 'baka'. (Telling you now Levi says brat all the time Sam says idiot/baka all the time ^.^)

I stood up and walked to my house, glad I didn't get hurt, but the feeling of guilt clawed at my heart. I picked up my pace while lost I'm thoughts and ended up running into my door, I backed up and grabbed my nose.

"Ow.." I muttered, I unlocked the door and walked in to the barren house, no loud family to ask me if I was alright, to tell me it's going to be fine. No sister to constantly worry about me whenever I leave the house or not eat. Not even a friend to vist me or help with math work. Just a dark house with picture frames with no pictures on the walls and empty rooms. I felt something wet on my hand and looked down. A single drop of water dripped from my hand too the floor, I was crying. I heard a knock at the door and rubbed my eyes. I opened my door to reveal....a boy with a girlish figure, blonde hair that was styled into a bowl cut and intelligent blue eyes.

"Are you Eren Jaeger?" The blonde boy, whom I knew very well, asked.

I think I'll end it here guys!

Just kidding!

"Y-yes...yes I am" I said, the boys face lit up brightly.

"Its me Eren! It's me Armin!" He said while wraping his arms around me. I gave a choked up laughed as tears filled eyes again and I hugged him back.

"I can't believe it Armin...I thought I wouldn't have anyone left.." I said my voice giving up on me slightly.

"Eren...you weren't alone, your fa-" he stopped himself as he must of saw my pained face.

"O-oh..I'm so sorry Eren" he whispered hugging me again. I smiled then remembered I had to go vist Levi...he can wait, I finally have my best friend back. I let go and pulled him inside.

"Lets get to know each other again, well I remember but like what has been going on sense we separated." Armin said. I nodded and flopped down on the couch.

"Well I got a job at a cosplay cafe not far from here. Our next theme is this anime I haven't watched called attack on titan, I need to watch it too. I'm going to be cosplaying the character Eren." I stated kinda proudly. Armin chuckled and shook his head.

"Still into that I see?" He asked, I chuckled and shook my head.

"Yea...still a bookworm?" I asked, Armin smiled and nodded. I turned on the tv, put on Netflix and hit play for the first episode of attack on titan. Ironically the characters look just like the people that I work with and people I know, the main character is just like me today, even has my name, odd. I heard a loud knock and looked up. Armin staring at me.

"Who could that be?" He asked, I shrugged and got up, walked to the door and opened it. There stood Levi.

"Oh! H-Hi L-Levi..." I stuttered, due to the fact he had a scary expression on his face.

"Why didn't you come to my house?" Levi demanded. I heard Armin walk over.

"Eren who is this?" Armin asked. Levi glared at him and he shut up.

"You ditched me to hang out with this dork?!" Levi yelled, anger started to pulse through my veins.

"He is not a dork!" I yelled earning a shocked expression from Levi.

"Yes he his! He is an invisible dork that does nothing but read!" Levi argued.

"I don't care! He is my best friend that had lost his memory and forgot about me! He just remembered and for ONCE IN MY FUCKING LIFE I'M NOT ALONE!!!!" I screamed at him, eye tightly shut while tears streamed down my cheeks. Levi stood there, shocked, then was brought back to reality by a alarm, his face went back to his stone cold one and he turned and left.

"Eren? Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"C-Can you..uh..come back later?" I asked. Armin gently rubbed my arm as he walked out. I closed the door, skipped dinner once agin despite the protests my stomach was giving me. I grabbed my phone and dialed the suicide hotline. I knew almost everyone that worked there by now.


"Hello?" A new voice said, oddly enough the voice was familiar. I held the phone between my shoulder and ear. Grabbing my blade.

"Hi, you must be new. My name is Eren and well I'm about to cut myself." I said, placing the blade on my wrist. The man sighed.

"Eren, don't. Whatever it is your doing it for don't." The man said. I sliced myself and whimpered, I could hear the man's voice becoming paniced.

"Eren? Did you cut yourself?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Yea... Sorry I'm making this hard for your frist day." I said doing it again and again. I felt tears in my eyes and gave put a choked sob.

"Eren listen to me stop what your doing, tell me why your doing this?" He demanded.

"Because I got into a fight with a boy and I'm just starting to realize that I might have feeling towards him." I said. I began to feel woozy and groaned, looking down I realized that I cut too deep. I gasped, dropping the phone to the ground my vision blurred and I flopped next to it. The man's screams were blurred and I closedy eyes. Almost willing for death to come, but regreted it as I though of the one I loved. Darkness consummed me and I floated away...wish I could be with him

......Levi.....save me...I'm so sorry...

There you go Tay! I'm done and all other readers! How you like? Sorry bought the cliff hanger doe...yeas bye! Pleasedontkillmeh!

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now