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Levi's POV

I watched as Jay and Armin left and stood up. Sam looked up at me and rose a eyebrow.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked. I nodded.

"Work calls." I said, "tell eren I said sorry for leaving so soon." I told him and walked out. I soon arrived at my work and sighed.

"Mr. Levi!" A high pitched voice said, I looked in their direction and nodded.

"What is it lilith." I said, my voice cold and emotionless. Lilith smiled at me and played with her shirt nervously.

"I-its time for you photo shoot." She said, I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Lead the way." I told her, lilith nodded and walked off, leaving me to follow.

Sam's POV

I rested my head on my hand and sighed, this causing Luke to look over at me.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded.

"Just tried of all this crap...." I said with a heavy Sigh and stood up. It was at that moment eren walked out of the bathroom.

"Where did everyone go?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I don't know where Armin and Jay went, and levi went to work." I explained, grabbing my jacket. Eren nodded.

"Wait, levi has a job?!" Eren asked, his eyes full of curiosity. I nodded, my silver hair falling into my eyes.

"Yeah. Anyway, I'm off." I said as I shrugged on my jacket and walked out, waving with out a glance back.

Erens pov

I looked at Luke who smiled and ran after sam. I laughed a bit and paid for the coffee and tea before walking out. I looked up at the sky, it's colors fading from a bright orange to a pale yellow as the sun said goodnight. I laughed at my thoughts and shook my head.

I walked down the street, playing on my phone as I did so. I stopped when I heard movement behind me. I turned around to come face to face with....air. I sweatdropped and shrugged, dismissing it as my ears playing a prank on me. I soon found that to of been a mistake, seeing as fate loves to play a game with me as a discarded game piece, only to be used when something bad needs to happen. As I walked passed a narrow alley, just big enough to have a person fit through, a hand placed itself over my lips and I was pulled into the alley.

My eyes widened and I didn't realize I had dropped my phone and I looked up at the tall male.

"Well well well...look what I have here...." He whispered, his voice deep and smooth. From what I could make out he was pale, red haired, and a pair of light blue eyes. Now that I think of it...this man is oddly attractive, speaking from a gay persons point of view I mean. I love levi and I don't plan on cheating, especially with this man.

"Your awfully cute for such a young boy..." He whispered into my ear, giving it a small bite. I gasped and kicked him, trying to get free. But alas my fighting came to a stop when I felt a sharp object against my neck.

"Must be virgin too, what a lucky catch. Don't worry kid. You will feel good at some point." The man laughed and gagged me with his tie and threw me over his shoulder. I kicked and cried.

"The customers will be pleased to have fresh meat." He laughed darkly and hit my head against a wall causing my vision to blur. I groaned in pain and continued to try to get away.

"Stay still." He hissed and hit my head against the wall one last time before he succeeded at his task of knocking me out. Before my eyes betrayed me by closing I heard him say.

"You will make me alot of money, eren jeager."

I have updated! And it's fairly long. Please forgive my absence *bows* highschool is mean and I don't get much time to update or think of ideas for this story....but I am trying I promise you. I love you all ^.^

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