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Erens pov

I sat next to leave, my head resting apon Levi's shoulder. Levi lifted his cup of tea by the rim and took a drink of his tea. Jay was teasing arming about his overly red face, only causing it to turn a darker shade of red.

"Luke! Don't do that!" Sam yelled at the Dog Boy. I chuckled and hugged Levi's arm tighter.

"What's is it eren?" He asked, I smiled.

"Nothing...I'm just very happy"

"That's normal eren, we all have our gay moments!" Jay yelled throwing her tattooed arms in the air.

"Your gay?" Armin asked in a slightly disappointed tone.

"What?! No! I mean gay as in happy." She said with a goofy smile. Armin sighed softly and smiled.

"I love you" I whispered into Levi's ear. Levi chuckled softly.

"I love you" He said, I frowned my eyebrows in confusion.

"Too?" I asked, levi shook his head.

"Too means in addition to. So I love you too means I love you in addition to you loving me. But I will always love you even if you leave me and find another man." Levi explained, I teared up and hugged him tightly.

  Sam gaged and rolled his eye.

"Awe that was so sweet" Luke said, waging his fluffy tail. "I wish sam-senpai would be that sweet to me..." Sam blushed brightly and turned his head.

"Don't count on it kid." He stated coldly.

"Wow..." Jay said.

"What?" Sam snapped.

"Oh nothing...just thought you liked him" She said with a simple shrug. Luke wagged his tail and looked over at sam.

"Is it true?!" He asked, Sam blushed and shook his head.

"N-no" He said, wincing at the stutter in his voice. Luke's ears folded back and he sat down picking at his food.

I glanced at levi, who shrugged and continues drinking his tea, then got up.

"Excuse me." I said as I went to the bathroom.

(Jay's pov)

I giggles as armins red face and purred, nuzzling his cheek with my own.

"J-jay?" He asked with a stutter. I looked up and smiled, biding the others good bye and dragging Armin out of the cafe.

"Where are we going?" Armin asked, I looked back at him with a smirk apon my lips.

"Places baby!" I laughed. Armin sighed softly and smiled at my unnecessary loudness. I dragged him to my tree and climbed up. Armin stared up at me in awe at how easily I moved up the tree.

"Like the view?" I asked, wiggling my hips. Armin turned bright red and looked away.

"Shy boy" I said with a laugh.

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now