chapter 2. my best friend.

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Erens pov
After work I walked home, I looked around the dimmly lit street and sighed, I felt like I was being watched and picked up my pace and hurried inside my house and locked the doors. I shrugged and walked upstairs, skipping dinner I walked to my bed room and I went straight for my dresser and pulled out the top drawer and looked under it to find my blade. I smiled at the sight of my friend, grabbed it and rolled up my sleeves, revealing a lot of scars, some old some new. Some crossed each other some spent words. Like ugly, useless, faggot and much more. I smiled sadly as I placed the razor on my arm and pressed down making a semi deep cut. I did this for a while until I heard a knock at my door. I hurriedly cleaned up and wrapped a bandage around my arm, set the blade ontop of my dresser and went to check the door. I opened it to reveal the raven haired boy who saved me. My eyes widened slightly and I blushed.
"Hey brat, just wanted to check up on you, you got beat up pretty badly." He said. I scowled.
"One I'm not a brat, two I have a name and three why do you care?" I asked. The raven shrugged and peered into my house.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I oppened the door wider and motioned him in. He stepped in and looked around my house, his face showing disgust.
"You need to clean this up" he said, I looked around the room in disbelief, the room was clean. I am a overall neat person, I don't see anything wrong with it.
"Err...what's your name?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Levi." He stated. I nodded and began to walk to my room.
"I'm Eren, let's talk in my room" I said as I oppened the door and walked in.
Levi looked around my room and his gaze stopped on my dresser. He walked over and picked blade.
"What's this?" He asked, I started blankly at him and acted like I didn't know.
"Brat I know you know so tell me." Levi demand. I shivered slightly in fear and it felt like ice was clawing at my heart.
"I-it's my sisters. This use to be her room, she must of left it here...she gets depressed easily but I didn't think...well anyway we just switched today so she must of forgot." I said, it wasn't a whole lie, this is Masika's room, just the blade was mine. Levi nodded and put the blade in his pocket.
"Well I never really got to thank thanks for saving me." I told him, Levi nodded and walked out.
"So where is your sister? I'd like to talk to her." Levi said. I choked up and Levi glanced at me, eyebrows raised.
"S-she d-died...I just forgot to take that and throw it away..." I mumbled sadly. Levi nodded.
"Sorry about that" he said in a rather emotionless voice. I nodded my head.
"Its fine" I said. Levi walked towards the door, wrote something down on a peice of paper and left. I shrugged and grabbed the paper.

Text me. (Insert random number here)

I smiled softly and put his number into my phone and went to bed.

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now