Chapter 15

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It had been a few years since Jay's death, Armin hasn't came out of his room unless he had saddened me...i can't believe she's gone...

I shook my head as I continued to clean the counters, I hummed to try to cheer myself up. I soon took people's orders and made them their drinks seeing as I now worked at a cafe.

It was a nice well paying job. A man named Hunter runs the place. He's really nice, sometimes him and his boyfriend hang out in the back. In turn he let's me and Levi do it sometimes as well.

I looked down at the small ring on my finger. Levi proposed to me a few months ago...but it feels like yesterday.

Flash back

I was sitting the car blind folded. We had been driving for a long time and it was starting to irritate me.

"Levi where are we going?" I asked, my tone whiny. I felt levis warm and slightly rough hand grab my own warm and soft one.

"Soon my love, we are so close." He spoke to me in a loving tone. I let out a heavy sigh. It was my 20th birthday today and Levi know how much I hate surprises.

"Your going to love this." Levi said as I felt the car come to a stop and Levi let go of my hand. I whines and crossed my arms. I heard the door beside me open and felt a strong but warm wing blow in. I blinked my nose filling with a almost salty smell. Weird...i let Levi unbuckle me. As he did that he pressed a kiss into my lips which made me giggle happily.

Levi chuckled and took my hands and lead me out of the car, guiding me somewhere. The strong wind pushing my back but I didn't mind it much. We came to a stop, the sound of birds filled my ears along with water splashing against something. I felt excitement run through my body as I tensed up.

Levi gently removed my blindfold from behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist and leaning against me.

"Open" he said over the wind. I gladly opened my eyes and felt a smile grow on my lips as I looked at the large and never ending ocean. The few was beautiful....the sun was just rising and I suddenly didn't feel mad at Levi for waking me up in the middle of the night.

"Am I forgiven?" Levi asked. I nodded frantically and turned, pressing my lips to levis. Levi smiled against my lips and kisses back for a few seconds but pulled away.

"Good...this would of been awkward if I wasn't" he said, I began to grow confused as he moved away from me, though of everything wrong went into my head and I feared the worst.

"W-what?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly. Levi smiled gently at me and knelt down in front of me on one knee. My eyes got a bit wider as I watched him pull a small black box out of his pocket.

"Eren Jaeger....will you marry me?" He asked. Smiling at me hopefully. Tears filled my eyes as I nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Yes...yes oh god yes!" I whispered yelled into his ear as I felt tears fill down my cheeks. Levi laughed and kissed them away as he took my head in his hands and kissed me.

End of flashback

Ever since then I had been very happy. I finished my shift and told Hunter good by and walked home. I got off early and decided to surprise my lover with his favorite food. I picked it up and smiled as I pulled into the drive way.

I got out of the car, grabbing the bag of panda express and went to unlock the door only to find it unlocked. Which I found odd because I know Levi always locks it when he goes to work. I shrugged it off thinking that he might of just forgot and walked inside.

Shutting the door with my foot and setting the bag on the table. There was the sound of a this come from upstairs and my eyes went wide. I looked around, finding my trusty bat.

I picked it up and walked towards the stairs, climbing them slowly and creeping silently to the room which happened to be mine and levis. I got ready to swing at the intruder as I pushed the door open.

"Ah!" Two voices said, I stairs at them my eyes wide. A women, naked may I add, was under Levi, who was also naked, legs and arms wrapped around him. I felt like something just stabbed me right them and there. And I wished something had as I noticed Levi was inside this women.

"Eren! Wait I can ex-" i shook my head and dropped the bat, it hitting the floor with a loud thud and ran out of the room and jumped down most of the stairs. I couldn't breath, it hurt. It's to much. I'm suffocating...! I need out...out! I got to the car and as I was pulling out I saw Levi at the door, hair a mess, covered in hickeys and boxers thrown on.

He started to yell something but I only turned the music up louder to where it was the only thing I could hear. I peeled out as I stomped on the gas. Armins...i need to go to armins. Was the only thing that ran through my head.

My vision was blurred from tears that ran down my face and I didn't see the stop light. Next thing I knew was a loud crash and I was rolling, my body flying around the car as I didn't have a seatbelt on and I felt a sharp pain from my head before everything went dark.

And that's the end....hope you all enjoyed this story! Sorry it had to end that way...the title is "I'm sorry" so...yeah. thanks so much for everyone who supported this and I love you all! Might be one in the future...i don't know. Bye bye now!

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