Chapter 11

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Erens POV

My breathing was unsteady, cold chains bounded me to the ground. The cold metal made my body shiver. I could hear the muffled sound of a voice yelling out things. I whimpered softly in fear, the sound of footsteps drew closer. My blind fold was removed and I groaned at the sudden light. I shook my head slowly as I took in my surroundings.

I was naked, that's for sure, a man stood next to me yelling out numbers, people in the audience would hold up a sign here and their. sudden fear clutched my heart. I was being sold!! I let out a small whimper, begging for someone to save me. but my heart dropped as the dreaded word was said.

"Sold!" the man yelled out, I had started to cry at this point. I didn't want this! I wanted to stay a virgin! I began to think of all the things I did wrong in life that would make God want to punish me. to my dismay, I did a lot of stupid shit.....I felt a jab in my neck and the world began to spin around me. I slumped forward and slipped back into the dark world.

(time skip)

I woke up in a comfy warm bed, at first I thought it was all just a bad dream but when I nuzzled my face into the pillow it didn't smell like my room. I sat up slowly, my body still naked. I whined softly and looked around. it seemed like a normal odd...but lucky for me I guess.

I heard footsteps come towards my room and a tall man walked in. I whimpered and backed against the headboard out of fear. the man walked towards me and cupped my face, making me look up at him.

"such a cute thing you are~" he purred out, I swallowed hard and bit back a whimper.

"no need to be scared, I'll make you feel good real soon, for now. explore" he said and let me go, walking out, leaving the door open for me. I slowly get up, seeing that I did indeed have boxers on. which was good....I guess. I sighed heavily and walked out, exploring the big house.

a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and the man from before gently but my ear causing me to shudder.

"your so cute" he said into my ear. I gulped and blushed. the man's hand traveled lower and I tensed up.

"n-no...please...!" I cried out, covering my face with my hands. the man's hand didn't stop and slipped into my boxers, his hand rubbed my member causing me to let out a involuntary moan.

"p-please stop" I begged weakly, hot tears pooling in my eyes. the man once again ignored my pleas and kissed my neck, pumping me with his hand. I moaned and closed my eyes tightly, just imagining it's Levi doing this and not some pervert.

The man sped up his pace and I moaned loudly as he began to finger me as well.

"you like this, don't you you slut." he whispered in a cold and demanding tone. I whimpered as his voice ruined my imaginary world of Levi doing this.

"don't worry baby....your going to feel really good soon" he muttered into my ear. my eyes went wide as I heard a dreadful zip and the sound of clothes hitting the ground.

I have updated for you guys!!! woop woop. it seems Eren is in a bit of trouble...wonder what's next to come...😈

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