Chapter 3.

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Levis POV

I woke up to my phone going off. I groaned and sat up.

"Levi! get you butt up!" I heard my brother Sam scream, Sam is my adopted brother but he is for some reason part Snow owl, he has black speckled wings that only I know about. I rolled out of bed, fixing it afterwards and walked downstairs, running my hands through my hair. 

"You better have a dang good reason to be yelling at me." I growled, Sam stared at me blankly but his eyes showed his amusement. I rolled my eyes. Sam had pale skin, hair that passed his shoulder slightly that was always messy, and Yellow eyes. He usually wore a expressionless face but his eyes gave away his emotion. The thing I love most about my brother is the fact that he can clean and when he does he cleans it right! 

"School, remember Levi?" Sam questioned, I groaned again and trudged upstairs. I took a shower, making sure I was clean, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and put on my contacts. Then I walked into my room and dressed. A Black hoodie, blood red shirt leans and some dark blue converse. I walked out and met Sam at the door. Sam smiled and his eyes gleamed slightly and he walked ahead, putting in his head phones. I locked to door to our house and followed. I saw a familiar brunette and stopped Sam.

"What?" Sam asked, I told him to wait for me and he sighed but nodded. I walked up to Eren.

"Oi brat!" I called, Eren jumped and looked up.

"O-Oh hello Levi..." He said, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards Sam. Eren winced but followed, His eyes widened when he saw Sam.

"Y-your S-Sam...Ackerman..." Eren stuttered, Sam nodded. Eren leaned close to me.

"I heard he put a boy in the hospitable" Eren whispered, Sam groaned and sighed.

"huh, I don't know why I didn't know that. Good job brother." I told Sam, Sam nodded his eyes showing his happiness.

"He's your brother?" Eren asked. I nodded.

"I also taught him all I know, Though i can still beat you in a fight." I said, Sam scoffed.

"We going or not?" Sam asked while tapping his foot. I nodded and followed my brother as he began to walk, Eren following in suet.

Time skip

I walked into the locker room for the boys and sighed. I took my shirt off and grabbed my P.E shirt and slipped it on, along with taking my jeans off and putting my shorts on. I glanced to the side to see Eren. He slipped his shirt off and something caught my eye...and ticked me off to no end. White bandages, wrapped around his arms, scars littered his body as well. I walked up to Eren and leaned close.

"After school meet me in the back." I hissed in his ear, Then walked off wondering why the heck I even care...

Another Time skip

Sam and I were waiting for Eren to show up, I was leaned against a wall, ticked off. I finally saw Eren but he was running. I shoved myself off of the wall but my eyes widened slightly as I saw Jeans group along with a group of thugs. Eren saw me and ran faster. I grabbed Eren and shoved him towards the ground behind me. Eren cried out and backed away, not in fear of me but the group of thugs. About 10.

"Sam!" I yelled, Sam was on it and was at my side, his glare could kill.

"I'm on it, 5 each?" He asked. A blonde thug with green eyes walked up and pulled a knife.

"Move aside and let us at the boy." He said, I shook my head and readied myself. The thugs then made their move. The blonde one lunged at me and I dodged skillfully and brought my elbow down on his back and kicked him. Sam had three guys on him but he was still fighting. I punched a boy in the face and kicked him in the groin. Another boy grabbed me by the throat and started to choke me while the others advanced on Sam.

"Levi!" Sam screamed, He was cut on the cheek and punched another boy, tripped one but they kept on him. I tried to fight but the boy had me tight. I shoved my back into a wall making the boy let go. I kneaded him in the face and knocked him out and went to help Sam. Sam took off his jacket and unfolded his wings and launched him self in the air. The boys cried out as Sam dived and used his talon like nails to slash at the boys. I lunged at a boy and rammed my shoulder into his gut and knocked him down, getting a few scrapes here and there. I rolled off the boy to see that the remaining boys had fled. Sam Walked to me his jacket back on and nails back to normal. He helped me up and sighed. I wish I didn't had to of shown my wings to the brown haired boy. I shook my head and walked up to Eren and pulled the taller male up.

"Explain the bandages and why the group of thugs were on you. Better make it good, I got blood on my jacket and shoes because of this." Was all I said too the shaking boy.

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now