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Sexy yandere Eren don't worry Eren isn't being a yandere this pic is just sexy so..

Levi's pov

I did as I was told and quickly traced the call. My eyes widened as I realized who I was talking too, calling a ambulance and rushed to the hospital.

Time skip

I ran my hand through my hair again as I paced outside the room Eren was held in, Armin in the Cafe downstairs. The doctor came out and smiled.

"Eren is just fine, in fact he's awake now. Would you like to see him?" He asked I nodded and made my way inside. Erens eyes were dull and seemed to have no color, his tanish skin now pale, his hair was sticking up in random places and in his eyes.

"Eren?" I asked softly, he looked up and frowned when he saw me.

"Levi...I-I-I I'm so sorry!!!" He screamed and leaned over, latching on to me. I rubbed his back and ran a hand through his hair.

"Easy brat, your still hurt" I said, Eren smiled and laid back down. Eren chuckled weakly and closed his eyes. Armin then walked into the room, his blue eyes widened and he rushed to the bed.

"Eren!" He yelled and hugged the brown haired boy, I sat down and sighed.

"Hey Armin" Eren said while smiling, Armins face fell and he slapped Eren.

"Ow!! What the heck Armin?!" Eren yelled.

"For making me worry!" Armin said then leaned down and pressed his lips to Erens. Right. Infront. Of. Me. My eyes widened as did Eren's and Eren gently pushed Armin back.

"A-Armin-" Eren started I had enough and walked out of the room. My chest felt tight and I hurried home. Sam and his brat were lounging on the couch together talking about god knows what. Sam looked up and his face fell.

"Levi? Are you ok?" He asked, Luke looked up and his ears folded against his head. I nodded but gasped as the pain increased as I continued to think about Eren and Armin's kiss. Sam rushed to my side and gripped my arm, Sudden anger pulsed through me and I jerked out of his hands and punched the wall. I could swear that I heard the wall yell at me, but it was just Luke yelping. I growled and walked out of the house and headed to the oh so familiar alley way.

"Oh so you decided to come back?" A raspy voice said, I growled and whipped around to see him...The one that got me in trouble.

"No just wanted to see your sorry butt." I said with out any emotion. The taller man lunged at me and I swiftly stepped to the side and punched him. He stumbled back and punched me, I spit out some blood due to the fact I bit my lip when he punched me in the jaw. I growled and continued to lash out at him. He caught me and threw me to the wall, causing me to cry out in pain and roll on the ground.

"Your weak." He said, stepping on my chest and slowly putting pressure on my ribs. I screamed in pain when I heard a snap.

"Get. Off. MY. BROTHER!!!!!" I heard a voice scream, I figured it was Sam. A loud growl was heard and I heard him scream.

"Ahh!! get it off!!" He screamed, Sam ran to me and rolled me onto my back.

"Levi! Levi?! Can you hear me?!" Sam yelled, I didn't respond it was as if I was paralyzed....oh yea I am.

"Luke! Come on Levi is unresponsive!" Sam yelled, He picked me and unfolded his wings and took off into the night sky. I groaned and I felt Sam's heart beat faster. Once we arrived at the hospital Sam rushed me inside and I was placed on a bed. I couldn't breath...I coughed in effort to breath but all that came out was blood. A tube was forced into my throat and air filled my lungs.

"Levi?!?!!" I heard Armin scream. My vision blurred and and looked at Sam.

"Its ok Levi, your going to be ok..." Sam said. I nodded and closed my eyes and soon lost consciousness.

Erens POV

I heard screaming come from outside my door and Armin burst through the door.

"Armin what happened?" I asked, Armin paled and looked away.

"Levi...he got beat up a-and..he's being rushed to surgery for internal bleeding... I heard that he has low chance of surviving..." Armin said. I jumped up and my eyes widened.


Lol sorry Tay xD I kinda had to yaaay drama...p.s thats what you get for calling my Fake girlfriend your wife....she mine! :P

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now