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here is chapter 13 sorry for the slow updates guys please for give me. I haven't forgotten you guys just been super busy with stuff....and I'm still coming up with where I want this to go so....yeah.

Erens pov

"it's been a year eren...hes not coming." dark said as he sat in my bed rubbing my sore back.

"I can't give up dark...i cant...!" I sobbed out, my voice tired and broken to my own ears. dark gave me a small smile of comfort, his red eyes holding the same dullness of my own.

"I know....i was the same way when I first got here" he told me, sadness adorning his voice. I sat up at this and rubbed my eyes, ignoring the pain in my backside.

"who did you want to save you?" I asked slowly. dark turned his head away at this, most likely hiding his tears.

"my sister....shes the same age as me...but she was so damn mature...though she never showed it but she could me" he paused to take a shaker breath and laugh a bit. "her name was jay...oh how I miss her..." dark finished. my eyes widened and I grabbed dark by the shoulders.

"jay?! jay feather?!" I yelled, dark nodded slowly.

"I know her! I'm her friend!" I said and smile gracing my lips.

"she is...? no...impossible..." dark shook his head and got up. I sighed at his stubbornness.

"you will see dark I promise!" I yelled after him as he walked away from me. I laid back in my bed and closed my eyes, finally drifting to my nightmares.

Jays pov

I looked up at the old and large building. this was it, I could smell the sex from here.

"are you sure this it?" levi asked, his face blank perusal. I nodded and he ran in. i sighed but followed, trying to locate erens scent through the must of sweat, tears, blood, and jizz. it was all so gross. I caught with of eren and turned, levi hot on my tail. I soon found the door and ran in. eren jumping awake and looking at us. I smiled as levi tackled, not literally, eren in a hug.

i frowned. this was too easy. way too easy. I shook it from my mind as I turned to see a familiar face.

"jay...?" my brother, Dark, asked. I gasped and went to hug him but was stopped when a gun entered my vision. the barrel right between my eyes.

"did you really think you could make it?" a deeper more darker voice said, I hissed at the man. but all he did was pull the trigger. a shot rung my ears and there was a flash of white before everything faded. voices screaming my name before I faded fully into black.

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now