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Erens pov

I looked up at the sky, a small smile playing at my lips.

"Look guys...I'm happy" I said, tears of joy dripping down my cheek. I felt a cold hand wipe the tears.

"Don't cry brat" Levi Said, I looked at him and smiled brightly. Levi blushed slightly, jay returned the favor with her own pointed tooth smile, a small nod from Sam who's eyes shone happiness and Luke barked and waged his tail, and Armin gave me a hug. Friends...I have friends!! I laughed and Levi chuckled. I heard a cat meowing and looked towards the noise to see Luke in wolf form chasing after jay who was in cat form. She ran into a pole and hissed, then continued to run. I laughed as well did the others.

"He's a good one Levi, keep him close..." Sam said, looking at us with longing eyes. I looked at Luke who had jay by the scruff and running around with her as she yowled.

"Luke. That's enough you Baka." Sam said.

"Don't worry Sam. You'll get your chance." Levi smirked jerking his head to the now wolf boy. I snorted and walked over to armin who was reading his book, face red.

"What you reading?" I asked causing armin to blush and hide the book.

"N-nothing!!" He said and winced at his loud voice.

"Yeah right coconut. Let me see." I said, Armin sighed knowing he would lose the battle and handed the book to me.

"Nekos 101...?" I asked, I looked over at jay who was glaring at Luke, tail lashing in anger.

"Armin do you-" I was cut off by a flustered coconut.

"NO!" He screamed, causing everyone to look over. Armin hid his face in his hands.

"I ship it!" I giggled, armin groaned.

"Eren no"

"Eren yes!" I yelled, smirking and glanced at jay. As if sensing what I was going to do armin got up and shook his head.

"Eren don't please." He begged. I smirked and cupped my mouth.

"Hey jay armin wants to tell you something!" I yelled, jay walked over and tilted her head.

"What is it armin?" She asked. I laughed at the cherry red coconut and walked to Levi who seemed to be doing the same thing to his brother. Sam stormed off, face red. I looked at Levi and he smirked.

"We are so getting luke and Sam together." He said, I nodded

"Agreed, but let's get those two together as well." I said pointing to jay and Armin, jay leaning on his shoulder asleep, Armin smiling and blushing.

"Yep. Hey let's go get coffee!" Levi yelled, jay woke up and rubbed her eye with one hand and flipped Levi off with the other. Armin laughed and got up, offering jay a hand which she took and got up. Luke ran over smiling, Sam behind him.

I smiled at my friends as we all started off to a nearby cafe.

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now