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Eren pov

After jay fell all hell broke loose. Dark attacked the man while I rushed to jays side. My ears still ringing from the loud gun shot. I could hear levi screaming something before I was pulled away. I thrashed in their grip for a while until I was thrown over their shoulder as they ran out.

I continued to keep my eyes locked onto the fight happening around jays body. When I did leave my vision I let my head fall and a loud scream of anger, pain, and fear tore through my throat. I did however eventually fall asleep..

When I woke up I was at home. In my bed. Something I have been dreaming off for the past year.

"You left her..." I spoke softly knowing fully well that levi was next to me. His grip on his my hand tightened ever so slightly.

"I had to." He spoke in that voice he always uses. His time really hasn't changed...

"I need to tell armin..." I whispered feeling tears fall down my cheeks as pain griped my heart. She died because of me...it was my fault.

"Not yet....let me tell him ok?" Levi said, I looked at him and shook my head.

"No, I need to...if you did....well you sound like you don't care at all because she's dead." I spoke my time sharpening at the end. Levi looked at little surprised at my sharpened tone but said nothing, he only nodded his head.

After I had gained my strength back up I finally called and told armin to come over. Which he did and that was great and all but...how do I tell him his girlfriend is dead?

I let out a large sigh causing him to look away from the movie we were watching.

"Are you ok?" He said, his voice soft and gentle. I shook my head and paused the movie.

"Armin...i need to tell you something..." I said as I grabbed his hands to give him comfort.

"What is it eren? What's wrong?" His voice edged on panic which is reasonable considering....

"Armin....its jay..." I said struggling to say what I had to say. After all...im the one who got her killed.

"What happened? Is she ok?!" He asked, his voice panicked and his eyes were wide.

"Shes.....s-shes....d-dead....im so so sorry armin..." I choked out, i watched as armins face went to horrified to happy as he started to laugh.

"Oh wow eren!" He said as he laughed harder. "Y-you almost got me!" He said between laughs. I frowned more, also wanting it all to be a big joke. But no. This is reality.

"Armin." I said as I grabbed his shoulder causing him to look at me surprised. "I'm not joking...she really did die..."

Armins filled with tears as he knew by the look on my face that I was telling the truth.

"No..no...no!" He sobbed out shaking his head. I frowned and held him close while I rubbed his back trying in any way to comfort him.

Short ish charter. Sorry...

I'm Sorry... (Depressed Eren X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now