Chapter 2

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                                                             Chapter 2

There was nothing Rosalie could do to escape, at least she thought. Although she was trained by her brother so she knew how to punch or which parts of the body she needs to hit, she seemed as if she were frozen. Everything around her slowed, suddenly she could only hear her steady heartbeat.

The group of warriors positioned themselves around her, making it too hard to escape. The only thing Rosalie could do was to fight. However, one of the warriors didn't hesitate as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it toward her, his lips curving into a smile. The others joined him, obviously enjoying tormenting an innocent girl like Rosalie.

They all looked as if they had never seen water or clean clothes. They were dirty and covered in blood, wearing torn pieces of red cloth around their waist. This seemed like Rosalie's worst nightmare, but no one could save her this time. In the back of her mind, she knew Caleb or Andrew couldn't be here now, but somewhere far away...maybe even dead. Well, she could be dead in a second too.

Seeing there was no other way out, she ducked under the arm of the tallest man and hit his back with her elbow, directly on his spine. She wasn't very strong, but they weren't excepting it, so it wasn't hard to attack. The other three men spun around and aimed their swords at her. She grabbed the dagger she had previously hidden in her boot and bolted for the bookshelf to escape. It was still opened since the men almost teared it apart.

One of them grabbed her dress but she didn't turn around. It made her stumble so she quickly slammed her dagger behind her, hoping it will hit the man's hand. Hearing his moan, she knew it was a good thing to do. However, she didn't think of the other three men who now grabbed her arms, pinning her to a wall. If the man hadn't caught her dress, she would've escaped by now. 

''Oh, we got a feisty one. Save your strength for later, sweetheart, you'll need it.''

The other man pinning her laughed, making her furious. Rosalie had a feeling her blood was boiling with anger, anger that was waiting to be unleashed. As they both moved their arms up to hold her tightly, she got a chance to bite it. Not thinking twice, she bit into the arm of the man who was laughing, satisfied with his groan of pain. Before he could catch her, she ducked under his arm again. Not being as tall as them now seemed like advantage, not the other way around. A hand reached out to her, but unsuccessfully. She was already in the Caleb's chamber and she went to the window. 

They were only a step behind her so the only thing Rosalie could do was to jump. Deciding it was better to broke a rib or her arm than being captured by those men, she jumped onto the ground beneath her. Luckily, Caleb's chamber wasn't high, making it easy to jump from. Not having a bit of time to relax, she ran to the other side of the castle, where she hid underneath bushes. 

Rosalie thanked Andrew in her mind for playing with her around the castle when they were young, that's why she knew where to hide if there is any danger. She could still hear men groaning from pain and women screaming for help, but it seemed distant. All she thought of were those horrible men. Rosalie didn't even want to wonder what they would do to her if she hadn't escaped.

Overwhelmed and tired, all she wanted to do was to sleep and get rest. It would be easy if she had her brother and husband close, but the reality was unfortunately different. 

Unaware of it, she fell asleep.

                                                             *   *    *


Rosalie jumped, surprised by someone's voice. She looked up and saw Barry, a man who was very close with her relatives. He was an older man, but still quite restless. She never saw him resting or sitting, he was constantly doing something. With warm blue eyes and shaggy hair, he reminded her of Caleb. 

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