Chapter 12

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                                            Chapter 12

                Rosalie had never seen her brother so ashamed. He stumbled on his feet, opening his mouth to give her an explanation. Nothing came out. Waverly fought to hide a smirk. Trying to avoid making the situation awkward, she stepped forward and pulled Catherine inside.

                ‘’Rosalie.’’ Andrew breathed out. He ran his hand through hair, fidgeting.

                ‘’No need to explain, brother. It’s not my business who you kiss or love.’’

                ‘’It’s not just a kiss.’’ He looked her straight in the eye, serious. She motioned to a log next to the house and they went to take a seat. She ran her hand down his back, trying to soothe him. Closing his eyes, he shielded his face with hands. Hushed voiced came from the inside of the small cottage.

                ‘’I don’t know what I’m doing. The moment she stepped on my doorstep… I felt something.’’ As much as she didn’t believe in love at first sight, Rosalie nodded. He had been happy when she’d married Caleb, so now she had to return the favor. Finding someone he cared about here almost made sure he wouldn’t make an attempt to follow Rosalie into death once she attacks Alexander. If he truly cared for Catherine, he’d stay.

                ‘’I’m happy for you, but you have to understand she’s just lost both her husband and son. She might not think clearly right now.’’

                ‘’I know that, but it only makes it harder. It terrifies me. I can’t even look at her without feeling ashamed for having feelings toward her,’’ he admitted.

                ‘’Give yourself some time. Talk with each other. From what I’ve heard from Waverly, Nicholas didn’t deserve her. You do,’’ she replied. He shook his head, troubled. He was torn between obeying his heart and obeying the wicked mind. Both of them needed time to settle down, but her baby might be dying out there in the woods. He wasn’t afraid he’d fail to win her heart, but afraid of failing to save the child.

                ‘’Has the search party started?’’

                ‘’Darius, Waverly and I are going, but not yet. We have to talk to Catherine to know what the child looks like and gather weapons. I hate to admit, but this took me by surprise.’’ Her voice faltered.

                ‘’I’m coming with you.’’

                ‘’Drew, you can’t-‘’ She had to talk him out of it, someone had to stay here.

                ‘’Yes I can. And I will.’’ He interrupted, determined to go. Unlike the others, he didn’t want to be a hero, he wanted Catherine to be happy like she deserves. If Nicholas wasn’t able to give her happiness, Andrew is willing to sacrifice everything for it. One thing he wasn’t sure about was if he could only be friends.

                ‘’It’s too dangerous. Besides, someone has to keep an eye on May, she can’t stay here alone and unprotected.’’

                Andrew huffed, not believing he forgot about May. She crawled under his skin in matter of minutes, he looked at her as of his younger sister even though Rosalie could be her mother. May could stay in their house, but someone had to look after her. She’d have her friends keeping her company by the day, but not during the night.

                ‘’Maybe Catherine could help out.’’ Andrew offered, sounding very convincing. Rosalie exhaled, she had to be straight to the point with him.

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