Chapter 11

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                                                                      Chapter 11

                ‘’Don’t you just love the sound of a waterfall? It’s so…peaceful.’’

                Rosalie closed her eyes to focus on the water. Darius stood beside her, smiling at her sudden change of mood. He thought they could use a break and just go somewhere nice, without feeling pressurized. As soon as he caught her talking to Waverly, he saw they were anxious and offered to take them to a magical place. Just seeing them enjoy made him smile.

                Waverly yawned, nodding.

                ‘’Yeah, but how about we take a nap here? It’s perfect for sleeping.’’

                ‘’We didn’t walk for hours to sleep, woman’’, Darius shook his head in protest, grabbing her hand, ’’this is once in a lifetime opportunity and we better make the most of it. Didn’t you tell me you wanted to be somewhere romantic?’’

                She pecked him on the cheek, lifting herself on toes.

                ‘’Don’t get so defensive, dear, I didn’t say it’s horrible, just that I’m tired. Thank you for bringing us here, although I would’ve preferred you told me about this place earlier.’’

                ‘’I just wanted it to be special.’’ He admitted sheepishly.

                Rosalie felt uncomfortable, ruining their romantic date. She had no idea Darius had this in mind, and felt guilty for trailing along. Still, there was no going back, so she tried to relax and gather as much strength as possible for later. Surprisingly, it was sunny and hot despite the altitude. A mix of all shades of green had a calming effect on the eyes.

                ‘’Have you decided about the wedding? The date, I mean.’’

                ‘’We…haven’t had much time lately, do you have any suggestions?’’ Waverly felt embarrassed to admit, she had a lot of other things on her mind.

                ‘’It’s once in a lifetime, no need to hurry. I just thought you had everything planned, since you’re living together for years.’’

                Darius scratched his head, gulping.

                ‘’We…haven’t always loved each other. It’s a long story.’’

                Rosalie felt intrigued, wanted to know about her best friends, how they met. All time she spent in the village was wasted on unimportant things, her life passed by. She had a strange feeling the rush has to come to an end, soon. Yet, the end was darkness. Death. As much as she wanted to ignore such morbid thoughts, it was hard. Very hard.

                ‘’Let’s sit here for a while, then.’’

                Waverly smiled in success, she could use a rest. Finding a spot where grass wasn’t too high and there was no bugs, she sat on the ground. Darius and Rosalie followed, forming a circle. Sun rays shone directly on Rosalie’s hair, making the black color look like it’s glowing. Darius forced himself to look away, taken aback by beauty in front of him. He never doubted his love toward Waverly and saw Rosalie as a friend, but he wasn’t blind. Darius actually felt sorry for Rosalie’s poor life and hoped she wasn’t going to lose it just to prove something to Alexander.

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