Chapter 19

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    Chapter 19

                Rosalie was alone. All alone.

                Alexander didn’t return for what seemed days. She woke to distant noises, but the door never opened, never let the light in. He wanted to leave the candle, but he was afraid she’d get dangerous ideas and set the chamber on fire. She said she wanted the kingdom levelled to the ground, after all. Their game of cat and mouse didn’t stop, pushing the limits beyond expectation. Staring at the wall opposite of her brought her to the brink of being insane. Her eyes saw what wasn’t there, her mind was occupied by wicked thoughts. Slow and steady, invisible fingers pulled her to dark paths, clamoring her affection.

                Screaming didn’t help. Not that she tried, no one could hear her in the castle anyway. She wondered where Caleb was, did he wake up. He betrayed her trust and the little love left, erasing the good moments she’d spent with him. No, she wasn’t one of those women who cried over their cheating husband or begged him to stay. She thought of him just because she had nothing else to do. The doors were locked, she could barely move, there was no window… the four walls seemed to close in, squeezing the precious air out.

                Whatever Alexander applied to her wound helped, the fever and swelling disappeared. A tray of food waited by the door along with water enough for a whole day. She tried to stay awake to see how the guards got it in, but she’d eventually fall asleep and lose track of time.

                Pounding footsteps echoed in the hallway and she pushed herself off the ground. She finally had a chance to escape, if she was quick enough. Standing beside the door, she stilled her breathing, her heart thumping. Her head tipped back as he entered, most of the chamber suddenly illuminated. His eyes roamed, searching for her. She smirked at his mistake and grabbed her chance to jump on his back. The surprise slowed him, sending them spiraling to the ground. He went first, releasing a loud groan. She pressed her hand against his mouth, her foot aiming for his chin.

                His eyes widened at her, his hands grabbing her waist and trying to push her away. He forgot she wasn’t a defenseless young girl anymore. Neither of them held back from knocking the air from their lungs, panting with every powerful blow that landed. The guards were on their way, so Rosalie had to hurry.

                ‘’Sorry, Alex.’’

                She whacked his head against the floor and he went limp in his arms. It didn’t do any serious damage to his skull, he’d regain consciousness within an hour. She grabbed his dagger, jumped to her feet and ran out, the door slamming with the gush of wind. Rosalie contemplated whether she should lock him inside in case he woke up. She was running out of time.

                One of the guards went to inspect the noise. She pressed herself between two narrow walls opposite of the door and waited for him to pass by or withdraw.

                ‘’Your Highness?’’ The guard called out suspiciously. Rosalie waited in the shadows, preparing herself to attack. The guard took two more steps towards the door, his shadow giving Rosalie the information she needed. He was tall but skinny. With hesitance, his feet moved. He formed a fist and knocked twice on the door, his back turned to Rosalie. Doing the same thing like with Alexander, she leaped.

                The guard blocked her at last possible second. The uncertainty in his eyes was a tell-tale sign he feared of disobeying Alexander’s orders, giving her an advantage. She wanted to play fair until he swung his sword. She dodged what would’ve been a fatal blow and kicked him in the shin. He showed no signs of pain, taking another try and knocking the wind out of her. Spinning her body, she whacked the sword and it fell to the ground creating clattering noise. New set of feet rushed to them, woken by the sound.

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