Life, as I knew it. (*)

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A/N- Hey everyone! this is my first story and i hope you all like it. please do let me know what you think about it. =D



11:30 p.m. - I wish time could just fly by...

Sitting alone in the darkness, I watched the clock as it ticked each second away. Why was it that when you wanted time to move quickly it just wouldn't. Oh right! Einstein's theory of relativity. 'Like, if you put your hand on a hot pan, a second can seem like an hour but if you put your hand on a hot guy, an hour can seem like a second.' Trying to pass my time I let my thoughts wander.

On my 13th birthday, I found out that my parents passed away in a car crash. What a way to celebrate the beginning of my teens. I was very much attached to them especially my father.

From then onwards I never really made any new friends. My group was of Jake, Daniel, Tracy and Silver. I always had a very jolly personality around my group. You could say that my group revolved around me. I was the life of every party. But, everyone has there moments of grief and mine was right now. Even though it had been almost 4 years, I never really could get over my parent death. Life gets complicated and people my age do need guidance. Especially with all the boy dramas I have to face! Despite the mood I was in, I giggled at that thought.

Well, you couldn't really do anything if everyone envied you! I always get what I want. I'm stubborn, possessive, short tempered, arrogant! Funny, cute, hot and well, just too full of herself as you can already tell! Let's not go overboard now shall we!

11:55 p.m. - Come on! Just 5 more minutes to go. How long can that take?

I couldn't wait! It was about to be 12! And I was gonna turn 17! Yay me right?

Well it's not that I'm excited about it or anything but I can't wait to get the letter my maid would give me. Every birthday I receive one from my parents. Apparently they had written it when I was very young.. How strange. Did they know they were going to die? Confused, I unconsciously made my way to the dark living room.

The next thing I know Sara; my maid, jumps up and down while hugging me whilst screaming on the top of her lungs "HAPPY SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH". Surprised, shocked, half screaming and blinded by the light of my living room I squinted to see that all my friends were here.

One by one each of them hugged me and wished a very happy birthday to me. I screamed all the time thanking them for uplifting my mood. It's as if a mask would fall on my face whenever I was with company.

Time could sometimes surely fly by.

"So where are you gonna treat us today?" asked Jake

"Well I better be invited!" screamed an angry Tracy.

"Me too" added silver

"Shut it you all! You know there's no party without me" Daniel added with a grin.

And there you go! The fighting started! As usual on such a stupid thing. Of course they all would go, they're my bestest friends!

I had to intervene "well obviously you all will be coming so stop fighting!" After a pause I asked "So... Where do you guys wanna go tomorrow?"

"Ooo definitely the most posh restaurant around" squealed Tracy.

"Fine Fine! Whatever!" I replied rolling my eyes, I did surprising had a lot of money in my bank account, good investments of my parents I suppose?

I really wasn't in the mood for chit chats. I wanted to read my letter! Was it so hard to give me what I wanted the most especially on my birthday? But then again, my friends were everything I had now. The only ones who got me through my rough patch.

"Hey! You okay?"

I hadn't realized Daniel sitting next to me, while the rest of them fought like old ladies rattling on and on about a very stupid issue that I had no idea about.

"Me? Um I'm fine! Why?"

"Cause your spacing out a lot lately.."

"he-he.. Just tired" I stretched my arms lamely to prove my point as Daniel smiled at me knowing I was lying but still accepting my excuse.

Daniel hushed them all and said that it was time for them to leave.

Somehow Daniel always knew what to say and when to say it. He understands me like no one else. Sometimes I think he see's right through me, beyond the jolly me and more to the sad me. He was very cute, brown hair n blue eyes and dressed very well. He had a good sense of humor and I liked him.

Jake on the other hand was a blond guy with dark brown eyes. When it came to fashion, I had to step up and be his stylist. Oh boy! his fashion sense was zero and he was totally crushing on the fashion diva Tracy; with black hair and eyes matching perfectly with the tan she liked to maintain. He wanted to ask her out but thought he was gonna lose his friendship with her if she rejects him. Boy was he so wrong! I knew that both of them admired each other and were too scared to take the first step. Hell! They admitted to it on my face. There were no secrets from me when it came to our group. I was like their confidant.

Last but not the least, Silver; was very pretty. She was very docile, shy and balanced our group well considering how crazy and wild the rest of us were.

When all three of us walked together, we looked like models. Skinny yet curvy and smart with a great fashion sense that would make anyone stop and look twice.

Departing with goodbye kisses they all left me.

I rushed towards Sara and snatched the letter out of her hand. Reading it while being super hyper. I held onto the last thing that attached me to my dead parents, was that so wrong?

I was surprised to see the message it contained this time..

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Love Z..

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