It's not over.

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After an hour or so, I took a shower and got in one of my casual jeans and a black hoodie over a white tank top. Something I'm sure my mother would profoundly disapprove.

Time was ticking by and I could see the deadline coming.

It was like a time bomb was ticking.

It surely unnerved me.

I walked in one of the casual sitting rooms where everyone was sitting.

When I say everyone I mean all the vampires except David and his two long lost friends.

I couldn't help but look at Lindsay and James; how caring they were towards each other. How much they loved each other. She didn't deserve this neither did James to have to go through all this drama.

Christian took me out of my thoughts by saying "Elizabeth will you go get David, Autumn and Lincoln for me?"


I got up gracefully and went to get them.

They were in another room similar to the one I just left.

When I walked in Autumn was in David's lap getting her hair done.

When David saw me he frowned.

That sure ticked my anger off again.

So the female he had so much practice on was Autumn. I should've guessed.

Before I could say something Lincoln said "Look who decided to grace us with her presence."

I ignored him and he carried on "Do you still bite with your snappy little tongue?" he said moving closer to me.

I ignored him again "Ignoring Is a very bad thing.. you know?"

"I was thinking ignoring you moron would get the message 'fuck off' into your thick brain but I guess I was wrong."

Autumn and David both got up.

David started "Stop misbehaving Liz"

"That's Elizabeth for you and who exactly are you to tell me to stop misbehaving? I'm not your pet who will obey your every command so why don't you try them on Lincoln who's always trying to provoke me."

"He didn't mean it like that-" said Autumn that I cut off.

"Your grandfather Christian is calling you all, that's all I have to say" I turned around but David turned me around hurting my arm.

"Don't talk to her like this. Apologize. To both of them"

"I haven't done anything so I will, sure as hell, not apologize. Let me go!" I tried pulling away but he didn't let go. I tried hitting him as hard as I could but nothing affected him.

He seemed surprise that I went as far as hitting him.


He should know how much I hate him.

After a little struggling he said annoyed and impatiently "Enough"

"Let me go!" like that will stop me.

Suddenly he slapped me and I fell to the floor.

As he realized what he had done he said "I didn't mean t-"

I cut him of by saying "I'm selfish, I'm impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if u can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." *eee using my favourite quote!!*

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