A blast from the past.

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A blast from the past.

Next thing I knew, he had calmed down under my embrace and suddenly came back to his senses while he was a centimeter away from my throat. He lightly kissed it and pulled back smiling.

How was that even possible?

I still had so much to learn. Especially about my little vampy.

"Never ever sneak up on an angry vampire like that. I could have killed you"

Oh.. so it's not that possible.

"But you didn't" I said shyly unlike myself.

He sighed "let go of me now!"

I was about to let go when he said sweetly "Not you stupid."

Oh my gosh! I was blushing so much. I was so embarrassed. Our entire family was here. PDA much?

I distantly heard more than one "awe" and "well let's go and leave the two love birds alone"

Well, if I was blushing earlier now I was blushing more than that. Jeez thanks family.

I had always thought that public display of affection was the cutest thing ever. But I didn't know how embarrassed one could feel. I'm pretty sure someone had to have either a lot of confidence or either a lot of affection to do PDA.

They all left and it was just me and David. I couldn't hear anything except the beating of my erratic heart.

"I'm sorry" I whispered looking down.

He exhaled loudly "for what now?" he shifted his position in a way that now I was sitting in his lap sideways with his arms around me, my arms around one of his biceps with my head on his chest and his mouth near my ear after he placed a kiss on my temples.

"This is entirely my fault." I mumbled. That's what his father said anyway didn't he?



"Do you like blaming yourself all the time? Or apologizing?"


"It's not your fault, do you understand me?"

A tear escaped my eyes while I fidgeted with my hand and fingers. David kissed it off my face saying "I hate it when you cry"

I smiled weakly. "So are you going to tell me why you were so angry with your dad?"


Time for him to remain silent now?

"Come on! You are so not giving me the silence treatment again!"

"It's nothing."

"Didn't seem like nothing to me."

"Well it's about my past. Fathers right you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh right! Super hearing" I smiled. "Well, still I wanna know everything related to you. EVERY SINGLE DAMN THING." I smiled again but flirtatiously this time and moved closer to him if that was even possible.

Our faces were so close and his eyes drifted to my lips a few times but he seemed to be deliberating internally whether he should tell me or not.

From what I knew, I wasn't winning. I sighed and got up. I started heading for the door.

He grabbed my arm the next moment and said "Wait! This is hard for me. Let me think how I'm going to tell you all this. Okay?"

I knew it would work and I smiled saying "Alright!"

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