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Sorry for the late update but life sucks and it sucks big time.

You guys know about my Nana being on the last stage of cancer. Plus life in general feels like its running and i don't seem to catch a break.

A big entrance test to a university is in 2 days and i havent done much, pray for it if you guys can, and of course comment, vote and fan. Thank you.


My breath was caught in my throat as I looked up into a pale person or shall I say a Vampire with brown eyes. He held my wrists, had my tiny, petite and defenseless body pinned hard against the wall.

"My. My. Wh't 'ave we got 'ere? A li'll snack?"

Another man emerged from the shadows and said "Did you take a wrong turn sugar?"

"You seem a bit lost fo' our own benefit, princess" added the one holding me in his iron grip. Damn. His vice grip hurt.

"Let go of me!" I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

Apparently not enough.

"Or wh't?" he said leaning in closer.

"She smells funny, don't you think? Do you smell that?" the other man said.

He tightened his grip "she ain't marked. Now shut the fuck up!"

He leaned in closer and nuzzled my neck. "Hmmm.. Yummy.. Mouth watering!"

I was so freaking scared. I couldn't even fathom what was happening. Heck I couldn't even bring myself to scream.

I stood there. Frozen in place. Frozen in time. I couldn't believe this. It was like a nightmare coming true.

"Or wh't?" He started touching me improperly and I struggled as much as I could but to no avail. Tears started escaping my eyes as if a barrier had been lifted from a dam to let the water flow in.

Suddenly he left my bruised wrist and clutched my left hand instead.

The minute his hand came in contact with the ring it seemed like he had an electric current run through him because his hand recoiled at the speed of lightening.

He suddenly got off of me while frantically saying "Oh my God! You were right! She does smell funny. She smells like Prince David!"

"Shit! I told you! I told you! Why didn't you listen to me?"

"Because it smelled faint and I wasn't sure but the ring.."

He looked back at me and said in a deep voice. "We are deeply sorry princess!"

The other one added "why don't we forget this and go our own ways? Huh? Pretend like this never happened?"

Not trusting my voice I nodded and they disappeared from sight faster than my eyes could follow.

I retraced my footsteps on shaky legs and tried making my way back to the cars.

It was 2:10 and I prayed that I would make it in time.

After stumbling around and going in circles I finally found my way back. I knew David would be angry for making him wait this long as it was 2:40 now.

As guessed the minute he saw me he said "Have you seen the bloody time?"

"What took you so long?"

"I've been waiting for quite a while now!"

I was bombarded with questions.

The Betrothed.. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now