Chapter 1

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{Please watch weirdmageddon part 1 and 2 before reading this it would be nice for you to know what was happening, and let's not forget that this is a Fanfiction I will be twisting the story up. I will be using "POV's" in the story if you don't know what it stands for, Worry not. It stands for Point Of View. Well that's all! For now.}

Bill's POV

Well, Gideon has decided to betray me.
I yelled "8 ball! Pyronica!"
They both stepped forward, waiting for there orders.
I spoke again "Make sure Gideon doesn't mess anything up in here."
They both nodded and ran out of my sight.
I looked down at my body that now had a physical form.
"Hm... Could be better." I said to myself.
I snapped my fingers and I formed a human body.
I had messy yellow hair that was nearly gold, blue eyes, a white under shirt, a yellow tail coat, black dress shoes and pants, a black triangular eye patch, a black top hat, black bow tie and an underused black cane.
I grinned down at my new form.
I spoke to myself again "Well, I say we go say hello to shooting star."
I floated off the ground a little.
I then snapped my fingers and appeared in front of her bubble prison.
The lock I had put on it was unlocked.
I fazed through the bubble looking around.
I snapped my fingers and appeared outside shooting star's door.
I scanned my surroundings.
It was extremely colorful.
I gently pushed her doors open, and peaked my head inside.
The lights were off and shooting star was asleep.
I smirked.
I walked towards the bed and stared down at her.
I could hear Pine tree's voice and the others he had brought along.
A blue flame surrounded my hand.
Using my magic I locked the doors, and the blue flame vanished.
I then sat on one of the chairs and kicked my feet up.
I began to count down from "4...3...2...1...and 0"
As I reached Zero, I heard the doors try and open.
They couldn't open them.
Afterwards, I heard pine tree's voice yell "Mabel?!"
Soon after the others joined in.
Shooting star slowly woke up.
She rubbed her eyes sleepily, and mumbled "Dipper? Wendy? Soos?"

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