Chapter 6

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Bill's POV

She nodded slowly.
I brushed her hair outside of her face gently.
I spoke softly "How about you get some, rest."
She nodded as I slowly laid her back into her bed pulling a blanket over her.
I whispered "Good night, shooting star."
She smiled a little, falling asleep.
I left her room and shut the door and as soon as I shut the door, I did a quiet victory dance.
I can't believe that spell worked!
I knew she would never love me without a little... Force.
But now she's mine, and I'll make sure of that!
I smirked to myself.
I then snapped my fingers and was teleported back to my reality.
"Well time to watch this town suffer!"
I sat down in my thrown of people waiting for 8 ball and Pyronica's report about Gideon.
After minutes of waiting they arrived and said "Gideon was no where in sight."
I nodded.
"No where in sight huh?"

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