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After so much time, I finally saw it fit to apologize to all of you, for not giving back what I have promised. I won't (and as I'm sure many of you have guessed) will not be continuing Mabill in Wonderland, I'm so sorry, I had gotten trudged in work and could simply not find the time nor inspiration. However, many of you have requested a sequal to this, I don't think I'll be able to comply this time. You see it's finished to me, not all stories have such a good ending, but I will write just a little more, to finish it off for good. However this will be in a completely different writing style. Over the years I have upgraded and it is less cringeworthy! And without further ado, let's get this show on the road!

     Bill sat silently, the only sounds coming from him were his sobs as he cried into his lovers sweater that had been stained with blood. There was no mystery to solve, he knew one of his goons must have done this. She would have been better off if he had never whisked her away in the first place. To that damn bubble, he thought it would've made her happy, make her truly love him without any tricks!
     After what seemed like hours he stood up, carrying her. Cradling her as if she were still alive and had, had a silly nightmare. He stared at her pale complexion, now taking long strides towards the Mystery Shack, "I had so much planned for us, Shooting Star, we were...we were going to see the world together! We were going to wreak havoc all across the globe! Only if you wanted that of course..." he trailed off, quickening his pace.
     He laughed a little brushing the strands of hair out of her face, "I bet you tried to fight back, huh? Look at you...bloodied knuckles...My poor dear." He cooed, now kissing each knuckle.
     The Mystery Shack made it's way into view, and he took a deep breath preparing what he was going to say. He entered the gloomy shack, he watched as the survivors tended up and grab the nearest object as if they could beat him. He scanned the crowd and spotted a little family, Pine Tree and that old man's face contorted into that of anger, "What the hel-" he noticed Shooting Star. Bill's, Shooting Star.
     Their eyes lit up, most of the survivors eyes did, actually. "Mabel!" They both screamed in pure joy, tears welling in their eyes as they ran to be reunited with their lovable family member. Bill tensed up holding her closer to him, "You're not allowed to touch her." He growled, animalisticly. It was like habit to protect her.
     "She's my sister!" Pine Tree yelled in anger, not thinking of the possible pain Bill might inflict on him.
     "She's dead." He snapped.
     Everyone's eyes dimmed, faces pale, hands trembling, "Let me see her, Cipher. I don't trust a thing that comes out of your mouth." The old man demanded.
     Bill complied and dropped her to the ground, "Dead." He stated again carefully picking her up like a doll, as he apologized profusely.
     No one said anything.
     Minutes passed, and Bill spoke, "I will not apologize for my actions, I have no regrets besides what happened to this beauty. Given the chance, I would have done it all over again."
     Dipper looked at Stan, both thinking the same thing. Bill may have been crazy before but now it was just weird, he was all over the place with his emotions. Like Mabel was the last thing keeping all his screws in place.
     Cipher had started walking away, towards the woods, carrying Mabel away.
     Dipper looked at Stan once more, "We have to do something!" He yelled at his grunkle.
     "Like what, Kid..? She's gone...What else do we have to do?" He said grimly, now sitting back down.
     Dipper stared at him in disbelief, he couldn't do it alone, but everyone knew there was nothing to do, besides letting the dream demon get his way.

     Years have now passed, Gravity Falls had been abandoned after everyone understood Bill would never return it to normal. It was just a paranormal hotspot, that most normal people chose to ignore. They knew the dark story that had come from that town.
     Dipper was now 18, and although still grieving his sister, decided to try and move on. He was just barely in college and was setting up his dorm room. He had just met his roommate, who was kind, even though he was weirded out by Dipper's ungodly amount of sweaters piled in the corner with a grappling hook sitting on top, like a cherry on the top of an ice cream cone.
     His roommate had first asked, "Why all the sweaters? It's not like you wear them, they're way too small! They just take up space." In which Dipper responded with a sad smile, "It's for if she ever comes back."
     His roommate never asked after that nor did he ask him to elaborate. 
     As for Stan, he never got reunited with his brother, nor did he ever get that thank you from him. He was never released from his stony prison.
     He was one of the last residents in Gravity Falls despite not having a good reason to stay anymore. Dipper had on countless occasions begged him to move away from Gravity Falls and find a safe place to live. Being the stubborn man he is, he never agreed and on Dipper's 18th birthday, he saw it fit to leave them, seeing as he was all grown up, and didn't need someone like him to drag him down.
     Before he passed he did give Dipper one last present. It was Mabel's grappling hook, he had held on to for so long. Just hoping it was all a sick joke and she would jump out, "Surprise!" She would yell. But that never did happen.
     The last thing Dipper had ever heard from him was when he was lying in his bed, weaker than he had ever been. He had been holding Dipper's hand, and was laughing a little, "There's my little pumpkin. Happy 18th birthday, sweetheart."
     By this time, Bill had devoted all his time to his Shooting Star. In fact on her 18th birthday he made sure to celebrate! He had set up a surprise tea party for her.
     They drank tea, danced around, and laughed. He could just see the life in her eyes as they danced around, however any normal man would have see a crazed man dancing and talking with a decayed corpse. Flys were in her eyes sockets, most of her skin had deteriorated or had been eaten off by tiny creatures.
     No one could have even told that the body once belonged to a beautiful and lively girl, who was loved by everyone.


And that my friends, is Mabill's Bubble's final ending. No sequal, just this final piece to make your hearts ache more. Thank you so much for all your support. I'm so sorry I took this long to get back. <3

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