Chapter 17

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Bill's POV

I'm done with Gideon, I'll kill him!
I sighed.
I have to first make sure shooting star's okay.
I snapped my fingers and appeared where her bubble was, err was supposed to be.
I looked around noticing the bubble was gone, and she was too.
Oh no, this town is to dangerous for her!
I frantically looked around seeing no trace of her.
"Shooting star!"
This is bad, this is very bad!
The Mystery Shack!
She has to be there right?
I snapped my fingers and appeared in front of the Mystery Shack.
I swung the door open, and looked in.
Several people who had survived the apocalypse for now stood in the Mystery Shack, including the old man and pine tree.
They all jumped when I walked in.
I scanned the crowd, still no sign of her.
I growled and said through gritted teeth "I'll be back."
I left and slammed the door behind me.
I began to wander the forest looking for her.
"Shooting star?! Come on! Th-this isn't funny! Please... "
I started running through the woods.
I frantically looked around.
Every tree, every rock, every bush.
I looked everywhere!
Where else could she be?!
Then it hit me.
Shooting star's pig was in the Mystery Shack, but she wasn't there.
She's never without her pig.
I snapped my fingers again and appeared in front of the Mystery Shack again.
Pig footprints, perfect!
I followed them backwards.
After I followed them backwards for about five to ten minutes I saw blood?
Human blood.
Decently fresh too.
Then, I saw a body, shooting star's body.
"Shooting star! "
I ran to her body and kneeled by her.
She was cold, and she had a large wound in her stomach, her own blood surrounded her.
I checked her pulse.
Tears began to form in my eyes "N-no. C-come on shooting star, Th-this isn't funny."
Her blood covered my hands as my tears hit her cold lifeless body.
"I-i was to late. "
I hugged her cold body.
"Please, d-dont leave me."
My powers are great, yes, but I can't bring someone back from the dead, I can't do anything for the dead.
Tear streamed down my face as I hugged her lifeless body.
"I won't say goodbye! No... Not yet. "


Wow. I even cried writing that, yikes. Well there's your feels I know you needed some.

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