Chapter 7

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Bill's POV

I smirked as I tapped my fingers on my throne.
I then ordered "8 Ball, Pyronica. Get Teeth and go scan the entire town for him. Once found, bring him to me.
They both nodded and left with Teeth.
I looked outside.
The town was in shambles.
There were only few structures still standing.
Knowing that Gideon was in one, made me feel determined.
I stared at the mystery Shack.
I knew pine tree would have to be in there.
That's the only place he would have gone to.
I snapped my fingers and was teleported to the mystery shack.
I was standing on the porch as I thought about how it would all play out.
I nodded to myself and opened the door.
The door creaked open.
I looked in to see, monsters and humans alike.
Holding weapons, in torn clothing, and beaten up.
They all let out a war cry as they charged at me.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw pine tree in the crowd.
I knew it.
I smirked to myself as I jumped up and hovered a few feet above the ground.
I was high enough for them all to miss their attacks.
They all face planted to the ground, threw their weapons to the ground, or swung their weapons at each other on accident.
They all shook their heads and stared up at me.
I raised my eyebrow and said "Not even a plan? Well I guess that seems accurate."
I paused for a moment as my smirk widened and I continued "I mean you don't have the stupid journals, or old Sixer. The few things you all relied on."
Most of them shook their heads to say 'No, we are strong. Especially when we are together.'
Well pine tree and the old man, glanced at each other sadly knowing they wouldn't win this battle without Sixer or the journals.

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