Chapter 9

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Bill's POV

I knew she was uncomfortable, but I of course didn't stop.
I didn't want to leave her side.
I hugged her and she gave me a confused look as she said "Bill, why are you acting like this?"
I stopped and looked at her.
"Shooting star... "
She looked at me and said" Is this part of your plan? To make me think I trust you and then kill me off?"
I stared at her.
"Oh shooting star, I would never hurt you. "
She looked at me and began to nod.
She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a loud banging noise.
I looked towards the door.
Several people were hitting the door repetitively.
I looked back at shooting star and said "Do you want to stay here? In Mabel land?"
She looked up at me and nodded.
I smiled as I stood up and spoke into her ear "As you wish, my lady."
I walked towards the doors with my hands behind my back.
I smirked as I opened the doors with my magic.
Sure enough the ones who were here before were standing in front of me with knew more.
It was the old man.
I tilted my head to the side and some of my golden hair fell onto my eye patch.
They all stared at me angrily as I began to hover above the ground.
I spoke first "Are you really gonna take her from the place she wants to be?"
They shook their heads and pine tree yelled out" She doesn't want to be here!"
I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really?"
I snapped my fingers still making sure that shooting star was hypnotized.
"Come in and see for yourselves then."
They all ran into the room and yelled "Mabel!"
Shooting star looked up at them and said "Dipper, Wendy, Soos, Grunkle Stan!"
Pine tree cut their reunion short and said "Mabel we have to get out of here!"
She looked at him confused.
"What? " She asked.
" Leave? I don't want to leave. This is my home now. "
Pine tree and his group all said in unsion" What?!

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