Chapter 15

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Bill's POV

I looked down at her and asked "But do you love me?"
She stared up at me, but she stayed quiet.
She seemed nervous as if she didn't know exactly what to say.
"I-i... Don't.... K-know." Those were the only words she managed to stutter out.
I smiled and held her tightly as I said "You'll know soon."
Her breathing got funny for a moment as I spoke, but after it went back to normal.
"Shooting star? "
She looked up at me and said quietly "Yes, Bill?"
"I gave your family one week. One week to save their town and you. Do you want them to do it? Do you want them to take you away from me?"
She struggled to talk but she managed, "I want them to save me. I mean who wouldn't? I'm trapped in a world, with someone who's the bad guy! Sure this is my dream world, but maybe they could learn to like it here."
I nodded, "I see, I hope you know..." I stopped for a moment as my eyes flashed red again.
I continued "That you aren't leaving, unless they somehow get past me."
She nodded slowly as I said through gritted teeth "And if they do get past me, you should know that someone's gonna be in a lot of pain."
She nodded hesitantly as I raised her head to look at me "Don't worry my dear, it won't be you in pain."
She shook her hand and said softly "That's not what I was worried about."
I nodded and stood up, letting her go.
"I'll leave you be for now. Go play in your world. "
I walked to the doors and stopped.
" But if I catch you with anyone from reality, that isn't part of this world. "
I stopped for a moment and continued in a grim voice "You and your family aren't going to have a fun time, but I sure will."
I didn't look back at her, instead I looked forward and opened the doors and left.
I forced the doors shut with my magic as I continued to walk down the halls.
I slowly faded away to the real world.

Mabel's POV

I stood in my room terrified of what he just said.
If I slip up once he could kill us all!
I can't afford to mess up now.
I looked out my window, everyone was happy, the sun was shining, people were laughing, and everything was cheerful.
It needs to stay that way.

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