Chapter 16

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Mabel's POV

I took a deep breath before walking out of my bedroom.
I need to find a way out of here and to the real world.
I sighed as I walked outside.
I scanned the place.
I know I can do it!
I'll show Bill that I can!
I smiled to myself triumphantly.
I started to speak to myself "Now, how can I get to the real world?"
Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me, a dark hue growing on them.
Even Dippy Fresh did it.
Dippy Fresh said grimly to me "Yo, sis what did you just say?"
I froze "I Uh... Just said Uh... How can the real world be... So terrible! Yeah."
I laughed nervously as everyone's color went back to normal.
Dippy Fresh said in his normal cheerful voice "Heh, I thought you said something else. Something that was against our only rule."
I shook my head and said "Why would I ever break that rule?! I made it!"
He nodded and laughed and skateboarded away as everyone tended to their own business.
I climbed onto Waddles.
There has to be a way out of this place without alerting everyone.
What if I had some sort of scissors or something?
I could cut a way out.
Suddenly a pair of pink, sparkly, bedazzled scissors appeared in my hands.
I smiled "Right again Mabel land!"
"Waddles, to the edge of Mabel land!"
Waddles ran towards the edge of Mabel land.
I have to do this perfectly!
After a few minutes we made it to the outskirts of Mabel land.
I then climbed off Waddles and held the scissors carefully.
Wait if this is a bubble it's gonna pop.
I took a deep breath, I hope Bill doesn't notice this!
I stabbed the pair of scissors into the bubble.
It popped quickly like a balloon.
Confetti and glitter everywhere.
I couldn't help but laugh when me and Waddles landed on the ground.
I stopped as soon as I saw what had happened to reality.
"This isn't good. "
I got up and started my way to what I hope is the direction of the mystery Shack.


One more chapter everyone, one more. Get ready, it's gonna be a ride. I'm finishing the Fanfiction tonight! Well that's all, have fun!

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