Chapter 3

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Bill's POV

I could sense she was scared.
She stared at me and cried out "Leave me alone!"
My smirk widened as I said "And why would I do that?"
I scooped her up and held her bridal style.
I spoke softly into her ear "Let's go back now."
She tried to push me away, but failed.
My grasp around her was to strong.
I smirked and snapped my fingers and we were teleported to her room.
I whistled loud enough for the waffle guards to hear.
After I whistled we heard the guards take pine tree and his friends away.
We could also hear their struggles.
I looked back at shooting star.
She was on her bed, shaking in fear.
Hm, idea!
I used my magic to make the room cooler.
I could withstand the cold, but she couldn't.
I made the room even colder.
Now her shaking turned to shivering.
She covered her self with her blankets.
They didn't provide much warmth.
I started to hover over to her.
I sat next to her on her bed, putting my arm around her and pulling her next to me.
I whispered "Go to sleep now, shooting star."
She fought to try and stay awake.
She failed.
She fell asleep.
Her head was on my shoulder.
I slowly put her head on my lap and let her sleep there.
"Good night. " I whispered once more.
I played with her hair as she slept humming a lullaby.

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