Chapter 2

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Bill's POV

I smirked as I put my finger to my lips.
I spoke softly.
"Be quiet, shooting star. Or your brother will know I'm here. "
She recognized my voice and looked at me and whispered.
"Bill? Why are you here? This is Mabel land. No evil triangles aloud!"
My smirk widened as I turned the lights on.
She saw that I was no longer in my triangular form but in a human form.
I spoke.
"What about this form?"
She stared at me.
She spoke softly "How did you ev-"
I cut her off.
"I have many forms. This is just one of them."
She nodded slowly.
I slowly stood up and moved towards her.
She looked around for a place to run to.
It was now night outside and I'm sure pine tree and his friends were all asleep.
As for us.
Shooting star was desperately trying to find a way out, and I was slowly walking towards her.
She clapped her hands together twice.
As she did so a small pink sparkly aura surrounded her hands.
She then unlocked the doors to her room with the magic given to her by the bubble prison.
She slipped out of the room and ran past pine tree, who was sleeping.
I followed.
Her running, me walking.
I was gaining on her.
Even though she was running, I was gaining on her.
She kept running.
She looked around and began to run left.
I of course, followed.
Finally after about 15 minutes of her running and me walking I caught up to her.
I grabbed her hand and said "You can't escape me, shooting star."
I turned her around, a smirk crossing my face.

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