Chapter 14

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Bill's POV

I smirked at her terrified expression.
"Oh how cute, you look so scared. "
She struggled to try and break free, every attempt to get away failed.
She eventually gave up and let her body go limp.
I grinned and put my arm around her shoulders.
She growled as I did so but she was now unable to push away.
I put a spell on her so she wouldn't be able to run.
"What do you want, Bill?!" She yelled out.
I smirked as I whispered in her ear "Why, I want you of course."
Chills went down her spine as I whispered into her ear.
My smirk widened as she tried to punch me, but of course my magic held her down.
Some might call me insane, but I was insane before I met my little shooting star.
I grinned and stood inches from her face.
She tried to move her arms but couldn't.
"Having fun?" I asked as my grin grew.
She shook her head as she yelled "Let me go!"
I shook my head as I said "I won't let you go that easily."
My eyes flashed a red as I continued "And don't even try to escape, your not going to get away."
She looked terrified.
I smiled gently afterwards as I kissed her forehead gently.
Her facial expression changed from terrified to confused.
She was about to speak but I cut her off "And don't, forget it."
She nodded slowly and said "O-okay."
I smiled and held shooting star in a hug.
"I love you."
She nodded and said quietly "I know."

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