Chapter 8

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Bill's POV

I stared down at the group and spoke again "How about this, I'll give you a week to try and save 'Your shooting star' and your town. If you don't I will take all of your lives immediately. For this week, I will be the only one standing in your way. No one else will try and hurt you but me."
They all looked at each other and gave each other small nods.
The old man who wore a sash that said 'Chief' stepped forward and spoke "We will accept your offer, but just know when we pound your face back into your own dimension don't come back!"
I looked at him and laughed.
I spoke through my laughs "You think you can even touch me?! Ha! Good luck!"
I continued to laugh as I held my hand up and snapped my fingers vanished back to my base.
I looked towards shooting star's bubble, knowing they would go there first.
I whispered to myself "Don't worry, shooting star. I'll be your Knight."
I smiled as I disappeared and reappeared in her bubble next to her bed.
She was sleeping comfortably in her bed.
I smiled as I put my hand to her cheek.
I'm sorry I had to use magic to make you love me, shooting star.
If I didn't do it you'd be scared of me.
She jolted awake and I removed my hand quickly.
She stared at me and questioned "W-were you watching me sleep just now?"
I looked at her and began to laugh.
"Your so cute, shooting star!"
I hugged her and squished her face and she made an adorable squeaking noise.
I smiled and said "I think that may have been the cutest noise I have ever heard."
She blushed out of embarrassment.
"B-b quiet." She stuttered.
She put her blankets over her and I smiled and pulled the blanket off her.
"Oh come on shooting star, Lighten up!"
I put my arm around her and pulled her over to me.
I was being extremely clingy.

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