chapter 13

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I got up the next morning fresh and pure like a dove. I had no nightmares or disturbances. I freshened up and went to the dining room ate my breakfast and ran out of the house like a thunder bolt because I was late today too. By the time I reached college the bell already rang. I sighed. Mr quentine was killing me today. As I reached my class I saw that Mr Quentine had already started teaching.

"Excuse me Sir can I come in?" I asked in the most polite voice.

"Why are you late?"

"I got up late."

"Since its just the second day ,I'll let you come in. But mind you it should never happen again."

"Yes sir"

As I entered the class I saw Carl . . . .and the bench next to him empty,so I sat next to him. I tried to spot Vanessa but in vain. She wasn't there. I took out my books and looked at Carl he was staring at me. I smiled and quickly looked away before Mr Quentine catches me again.

I paid plenty of attention for the class today and was tired,just listening to him. When the class finally got over I decided to go and search for Vanessa. Just then Carl approached me.

"Hey are you going home?"

"Um ya" I lied.

"Do you mind if I walk with you? Home I mean."

"Ya sure"

So we walked down to the enterence when one of Carl's friend approached him.

"Hey man we're having practices today. Where are you going?"

"What I didn't know that we had practices!"

"Didn't you hear coach Jammie said that the girls too were coming today,you know why they come!" he said winking at Carl.

"Ya, I know. Valonia if you don't mind I'll have to go for practices now. Its a very important match. I'm afraid you'll have to walk alone. . . "

"Hey Carl I wouldn't mind you carry on" and he disappeard with  his friend.

I saw Ethan too in the class today but I ignored him. I hope I don't meet him now.

As I was leaving the college campus,I saw the boys playing on the ground including Carl. Suddenly my eyes drifted towards the cheerleaders and amongst them I saw vanessa. Oh . . No that means she's a cheerleader in the group and I'll have to be all by myself for the match. I hurried along  to talk to her.

"Hi" I said from behind, giving her a surprise.

"Oh my . . . . Its you thank goodness you're here. I have so many stories to tell you"

"Hey can I too join the cheerleader group . You see it lookes quite nice"

"Hey I have no idea about the cheerleading group.  .I  ."

I cut her off.

"But you're dressed as one" I said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Oh that! You see I'm not part of this dumb group. I came to see my superhero. You see I knew that today the cheerleaders have practices so I decided to bunk classes and watch my hero play" she said blushing too much.

"And may I know whob is the hero. ??. . . "

"Ya its . . . Its Carl . . .Carl Davenson." She said in a dreamy voice.

"What!?" I said shocked by her reply.

"What? why are you shocked? BTW he's every girls dream. Its not that I love him or something but there are crushes you know. . . . . "

"I . . . Can't believe he's . . . . . So famous" I said.

"Why?" She asked in her pretty voice.

"Nothing . I came here to tell you that I want to talk to you and its urgent please" I said

"Fine then let's go. But I wanted to see more of Carl . He just came."she said grumbling.

"Please. . . . . "I begged her.

"K let's go"

So she took her bag and we both headed for "Magnolia Mansion". On the way we were just talking (mostly about Carl)when vanessa suddenly asked me.

"What's that important thing you wanted to tell me?"

"Come to my house I'll show you"

"Can I come in there ? I mean am I even allowed ?"

"Why of course yes! You can come with me"

"But. .. . But I don't want to come"

"Why?" I asked quite surprised at her childish behaviour.

"No,. . . . . .this is actally the stole's mansion and it is said to be cursed" she said in a frightened voice.

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