part 2

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Okay, well, some of you complained about the length of the last update, but I did tell you that it was PART 1, which meant that there was more to the update, but I broke it up because it would have been like 3000+ words. I'm kind of stressed out and very busy lately so the fact that I was even able to write something that long is amazing. I just got a job so I had to go get a work outfit. I had to deal with my new college and get things set up because classes start on the 22nd and my aunt in in Intensive Care Unit so I've been with my uncle and cousins as support. Oh, and my brother leaves for boot camp on Monday so I'm kind of a mess. So please just keep in mind that I did say I wouldn't update unless it was over 1000 word and I'm sticking to it, but please don't complain that it is too short because i have enough on  my plate as it is and I waant to be able to write for you, but it is disheartening to see complaints on something that I worked really hard on in a short amount of free time.


“Please Jasper,” she whispered. We were very shy about taking things further with our relationship. We knew we weren’t going to do anything bad, per say, but we were still very careful about treading in this water. Her body was resting on mine and her lips were just millimeters away with her sweet scent and the smell of roses filling my head, I couldn’t think! “Please,” she whispered, sending her cool breath across my ear and neck.

“Mmk,” I whispered back and pulled her tempting lips to mine. She sighed while I rolled her over to be under me. “It’s not fair. You’re so tempting! I can barely control myself when you aren’t asking to be ravished.” She giggled and I began to set a trial of kisses down her neck and then small open mouthed kisses along her collar bone. Alix sighed and ran her fingers down my back and up under my shirt. I smiled into her soft skin right above her chest.  Her hands skillfully took my shirt off so I was bare chest and I hesitated when her fingers traced my scars.

“You’re so handsome.” She reassured me and pushed me onto my back. “Hmm, damn sexy! Major, I’m afraid I’m going to have my way with you.” My body melted. She knew what she was doing even if she was innocent. Her lips kissed mine deeply as her tongue traced my bottom lip. Opening my lips a bit she started French kissing me and nibbling my bottom lip with her teeth. I rested my hands on the skin right at her waist, making Alix pull back and remove her shirt. Her bra was sapphire with little lace flowers for top trim. She was very well off in the bodily assets, a D-cup.

“Beautiful,” I told her as I moved my kisses to right above the lace. Her hands reached to unclip it, but I stopped her. “Leave it on. My self control isn’t that great.” She smiled and leaned down to kiss me again. She kissed my chest to the top of my waist line and then back up the middle of my abs to my lips. We spent about another hour rolling in bed kissing and tickling and touching before we were interrupted.

“Daddy!” Jasmine’s voice rang through the house. Allie sighed and moved away from me, but I didn’t let her. I told my daughter not to bother me and if she insisted on disobeying than she deserves whatever she sees or gets.

“Ignore her.” I whispered and kissed her deeply. The door opened seconds later.

“Daddy, come on! Haven’t you spent enough time with her?” She was annoyed, but I didn’t care. I had spent hours every day with her and now I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend. Jasmine came over to the bed and started pulled Alix away from me. “Get out. He doesn’t need a dirty slut like you for a girlfriend. Can’t even keep your damn clothes on.” Alix started to cry. “Oh boo-hoo, suck it up.” She had pulled my girl away from me and was shoving her shirt at her when I ripped her away.

“Jasmine! What the hell are you doing? I told you that last night and today I was spending with my girlfriend and you needed to leave us be. How dare you talk to her like that and treat her so horribly! You’re grounded. Go to your room and I will talk to you later. No cell phone and no computer. Go!” I told her. “I can’t believe you’re that selfish that you’d hurt me and my girlfriend just because you wanted me to yourself.” I pulled Alix to my body. “She’s not a slut and she’s not dirty. She’s a great woman, who deserves respect.” I kissed her forehead and sent loving feelings to her.

Once she was out of the room, I turned Allie to look at me. “Don’t take anything she said to heart. You’re amazing and I’m so lucky to have you. Let’s get dressed and get started on our day.” She kissed me.

“I love you, Jasper Whitlock Hale Cullen, and I will not let a braty girl keep me from you.” I kissed her and smiled before sending her off to get changed. When we were both dressed, her in a purple summer dress and me in skinny jeans and a button down, I led her to the car and started towards the school.

“Let me handle it for you, I’ll get everything done.” Sure enough I was able to get her signed up for classes, get her books, and get her other paperwork started. Needless to say, I felt a huge wave of relief come from her and that made me feel great, knowing I helped her. “Now, how about we grab lunch and go to the mall?”

“Jasper, your eyes are already really dark, maybe we should wait till another day.” Alix was lucky. She didn’t have to hunt often and her eyes didn’t change when she was turned. The only time they do change is when she really needs to hunt.

“I’ll just grab a nice bite and be fine.”

“The only bite you’re getting is from me. Come on.” She leaned the car seats back and situated us before tilting her head.

“No, it hurts, I know it does.” I protested not wanting to hurt her.

“It doesn’t. It feels like, well I don’t have words, but it doesn’t hurt me.” She pulled my face to her neck and held it there till I bit down. Her blood flowed into my mouth and she let out a moan as I sent pleasant feelings to her like desire, passion, and lust, but also a lot of love. Once I was finished, I licked the bite mark to close them. She smiled at me. “Your eyes are blue, my love.”

Carlisle told me that the reason my eyes turn blue is because of some human trait I had. When I was really happy my eyes were blue, but when I was just normal they were a green color. Well needless to say that Alix made me very happy all the time and my eyes being blue were just one other way to show her. “I love you.”

The radio was blaring as we drove down the highway to the mall. I had great plans for how I was going to spend my money on the wonderful girl next to me, she however had no idea. She sang along to the music the whole hour we were in the car and I stayed silent just to listen to her sweet voice. When we reached the mall, it seems Alix had her own plan on how to spend my money, but I was happy to see it was the same thought I had. We were heading towards Victoria Secret when I pulled her into KAY Jewelers. “What are we doing here?” I didn’t reply and led her to the ring section. She giggled. “Rings?” She was going to say something else, but changed her sentence. “Oh, look at that one.” It was a silver band with tiny diamonds in the shape of a heart.  “Don’t you think it’s beautiful?”

“I think it is gorgeous, but you look much better. Shall I compare you to the finest diamonds, my love?” She kissed me to silence me and continued to browse. While she wasn’t looking I bought the ring and pocketed it before going to see what else had caught Alix’s eyes. It was a key necklace with an ice blue stone in the middle of the heart that made the top of the key. Our two year anniversary was coming and she had planes to fly to New Jersey and visit family that week so I had to plan something else. She excused herself to the bathroom and I purchased the necklace as well. We’d have to have a special day before she goes.  The rest of the day was spent shoe shopping and lingerie shopping, which I enjoyed greatly. We both got home in good moods and I was happy to hear she’d be staying the night again.

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