The Sight

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Alright, a lot of you think Jasmine is some amazing chick, but maybe you should read this before you decide for real.

Jay’s point of view:

Jasmine was sitting on her bed when her phone rang. “Hello?” she answered. Her lips spread into a smile. “Yeah, he feels bad now. He’s completely wrapped around my finger. So it’s set then? You’ll pretend to kidnap me this Friday night and mom will tell him it’s all his fault that I’m gone.” She waited.”Alright Edward, I’ll see you soon. Take care of mom. I can’t believe he was stupid enough to believe I didn’t love her and she treated me horribly.”

My head hurt. What the hell was that? Sam was sleeping with her head in my lap and the movie was still playing on the television, so how on earth did I just see that? I wasn’t thinking about Jasmine. Hell, nowhere close to her. I mean Sam’s head is in my lap, how could I be thinking about anyone other than my girl? I tried brushing it off, but I couldn’t. I needed to talk to someone about it.

Since Sammy was sleeping, I decided to try contacting my dad. The phone rang twice before he answered. “Hey son, I’ve missed you. When are you coming home?” Dad answered.

I couldn’t help but smile. “I miss you too and I’ll be back in a few days, but hey, I was calling to talk to you about something.”

“I would have thought you already knew about birds and bees…” he trailed off teasingly.

“I do. Anyways, I’m sitting here with my girl asleep on my lap and I like blank or something and see something that hasn’t even happened. I don’t even know if it will happen.”

“So, you’ve got the gift of sight.” He whispered. “What you saw was a vision of the future. When exactly did this take place and what was it?” I explained to him in detail what I saw and what was said. I couldn’t believe my sister was playing my dad. I can’t believe that she’s sleeping with mom’s boyfriend. I shuddered.  “You mean that she’s using me? I mean, I know I’ve been spending time with my girlfriend, but I have been putting off time with her so I can spend days with Jasmine. I can’t believe this.” Dad sighed.

“I’ll be home on Thursday. We will take care of this. And ugh, do you mind if Sam comes with? I want you to meet her. Your approval would mean the world to me.”

“Bring her. I want to meet her.” We talked a while longer until Sam began to stir. We said goodbye and I put my phone down before she was awake completely.

“If you think you can get away with not telling me who you were on the phone with, you’re crazy.” She whispered and stared up at me.

“My dad,” I kissed her face. “We are going to go visit him.” She was excited. We planned when we would leave and then fell back asleep for the night.

The next few days passed and soon Sam and I were on our way to Forks. She was scared of planes and I knew I had to do something to relax her on our ride. We were in a private jet his time so I didn’t have to worry about embarrassing her. She was shaking in her seat while we started off to the runway.  I pulled her into my lap and buckled us in before sending her a lot, A LOT, of lust and passion. She began to shudder and let out a moan. I pushed my lips to hers to silence the moaning she was making. Needless to say, we spent hours kissing and making her moan before she fell asleep wither face in the crook of my neck.

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