#3 Luckily!

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Being a Secondary 2 student, I am lucky to have a good Science and Mathematics Tuition Teacher. A discipline teacher by himself, he loves to joke around. However, you would not want to anger him. Well, I am not going to talk about him. He is only one of the characters, an important character. Mr Wong is having his tuition class as usual. Normally, I join his second class. But due to inconvenience on that day, I attended his first class. Well, he was teaching until he related story about a friend having lung cancer.

"It's undetectable. However, when it is detected it's too late,"

"Sir, which stage?" Sean asked.

"Stage 4"

"Luckily not last stage"

"Hey, Sean. Stage 4 is last stage,"

Then, the class burst into laughter. You would not expect it but the boy laughed along too. It's a great entertainment.



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~Everyone has their own beauty-even Happy Polla~

Ah! I forgot to mention that I have entered Fun Reading for TheWattys.

Once again all the best!

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