Chapter 3

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A/N ~ Here's the new chapter! Sorry it took so long! I've been working on my other story ( The New Teen Titan) Check it out if you want to! Vote & Comment! Love ya'll!!                ~Haylee<3


The full moon had just begun to rise, as Firestar called the cats to go to the Gathering. Goldenpaw was excited to be attending her first Gathering, and doubly excited that Squirrelpaw, Leafpaw, and Spiderpaw were going too. Goldenpaw was talking to her sisters about apprentice duties, when Spiderpaw came up. "Hey Goldenpaw! Will you sit with me at the Gathering?" Squirrelpaw and Leafpaw were now whispering to eachother and winking at Goldenpaw. "Uh, yeah. That'd be nice." She told him. "Great! See you then." He said, and bounded over to his mentor, Mousefur, who was looking at him with an expression she couldn't read.

With a look of mock anger shot at her sisters, Goldenpaw ran over to Firestar who was taking his place at the front of the clan. She couldn't help but notice the way he seemed nervous and edgy. "Firestar?" She meowed. He jumped and turned to her. she had expected to see relief in his eyes, but all she saw was concern and.......guilt?

"Hello Goldenpaw. We're leaving now, and you'll walk up here with me." He said turning and walking away before she had a chance to respond. Had she made him angry? Not likely, she thought. She'd gotten only praise about her progress during training with him, but what else could it be? She was still worrying when she came to the clearing around four giant oaks at the edge of all the teritories.

"That's Fourtrees," Spiderpaw said walking up. "Wow," was all she could say as she looked down at the mass of cats from all four clans shareing tounges beneath her. "I know," he said. "Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." Spiderpaw led her over to a group of ShadowClan cats. A small, dark grey tom jumped up and ran over to meet them. "Goldenpaw, this is Smokepaw. Smokepaw, Goldenpaw." Goldenpaw meowed a "Hello" in greeting. Smokepaw looked her over, then asked, "Why do they call you 'golden' if your furs not even gold?!" Goldenpaw was readly to burst with anger. She had always been self concious of her fur color at night, even in the full moon's light, because it made her look dark and evil. Goldenpaw was about to say something, then decided it was better to walk away and find Squirrelpaw. She was sitting with a tabby tom named Brambleclaw, so Goldenpaw went to sit with Leafpaw and Cinderpelt.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Cinderpelt asked. "Some apprentice from ShadowClan was talking about how my fur doesn't fit my name because it isn't gold! Which it is - in the light." Goldenpaw's eyes swept over her fur, which was a brownish-yellow color in the darkness of the night, a shadow of what it truely was, but in the light it shone golden and bright. "Don't worry about him," Spiderpaw said walking up. "He doesn't know what he's talking about. Your fur is beautiful." He said, his amber eyes gazing into her blue ones. "Can I sit?" He asked amusement flickering into his eyes. Goldenpaw looked down, embarrassed. "Of course! Sorry!" she said still looking down. He was still purring with laughter when the Gathering began. "Cats of all clans," Blackstar, the Shadowclan leader began. "StarClan smiles down on usthis newleaf. ShadowClan has found prey plentiful." He nodded at Tallstar, the windclan leader to speak.

"WindClan has been-" "Hey Goldenpaw?" Spiderpaw leaned over to her. "Yeah?" she asked, still not meeting her eyes. "I really am sorry about Smokepaw. He's not usually like that," He said. "It's ok. Really." She finished by resting her tail on his shoulder, clearly ending the conversation. "We also have three new apprentices: Squirrelpaw, Leafpaw, and Goldenpaw." Firestar finished, stepping back so Leopardstar, the RiverClan leader, could speak. "We have a new apprentice as well. Mothwing, who is training to become a medicine cat." All cats but Goldenpaw turned to look at Mothwing to give their congratulations, but Goldenpaw's was locked on Leopardstar, who turned to meet it.

She saw something familiar in her gaze, then realized she was staring straight into a pair of ice blue eyes, exactly like her own.

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