Chapter 8

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When Goldenpaw woke up the next morning, she walked out of her den and to the fresh-kill pile. Yesterday, Leopardstar had told everyone that I was on a special mission and let her stay in the leader's den. Today, the clan still gave her strange looks. Leaders never let anyone other than their mates sleep in their dens.

As Goldenpaw sat by the entrance of the camp, some kits came running up with lots of questions. She recognized them to be Dawnflower's kits.

"Kits! Your mother is looking for you." Mistyfoot meowed walking up.

"Aw!" One of them said, and they padded away.

"Thanks." Goldenpaw said.

"No problem. So I heard you were leaving today." Mistyfoot said sitting next to her.

"Yeah, StarClan said it was important. I should leave soon." Goldenpaw replied.

"Well good luck, and may StarClan light your path." The grey warrior said.

Goldenpaw thanked Mistyfoot and walked over to her mother.

"I should be leaving now, Leopardstar. Thanks for letting me stay here." She said.

Leopardstar nodded.

"Be save, Little One. And when you arrive at FireClan, please tell Nightfrost this: He is still in my heart, and my love for him shines through you." Leopardstar said.

Goldenpaw nodded and padded out of the RiverClan camp.


Goldenpaw had been walking all day. She had already passed the HighStones, and was now traveling over a barren landscape with no shelter, water, or prey. It seemed like there was no life around. As she walked, she thought. She thought about all the times that she had spent with Leafpaw and Squirrelpaw. She now knew that it was all a lie.

But she wasn't mad. She just missed her clan, and family dearly. And to her, they were still her family.

It wasn't to much longer before she started to see a forest up ahead. The sun was setting by the time she reached the edge, and her stomach was growling. She sniffed the air for any signs of prey. She spotted a mouse running by a bush and she dropped into a hunting crouch. She quickly took down the mouse and ate it in a few quick bites.

Her fighting and hunting techniques were outstanding. She was only 8 moons old, and could still take down a full grown warrior. She remembered Firestar's amazement at her skills when she was training.

As the moon rose, Goldenpaw decided to stay ion the woods for the night. She found a hollow stump in the middle of a clearing and lay down inside of it. As she drifted off, she wondered what would happen when she met FireClan in the morning.

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