Chapter 5

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Charlie met up with Meagan at the school's yard, at the bleachers.

When they first came at school they saw that their first 2 hours had fallen away and they were free until the 3rd hour started.

"So, how are you doing?" Meagan asked Charlie.

"I'm okay, not happy to be at school, though."

"Know the feeling."

They just sat there and talked, well Meagan mostly talked, until the bell rang to announce the 3rd hour.

They stood up and walked to class, Meagan to history and Charlie to geography.

The people in this class were nice, weren't too talkative, weren't too touchy but they were like the good amount of jumpy for Charlie.

But today she didn't enjoy it.

She was looking out the window, only thinking about her friends and if they were save, because yes. Even in the dream world you can die. In the real world that would look like a heart attack or that you choked on something.

Looking outside, she saw someone standing under the trees. With a bow and arrow.

Why does someone walk around here with a bow and arrow? Charlie thought.

When she focused on the figure, she saw that it was a man. And he looked really much like Alec.

No, he can't be it. How is this possible? Alec isn't real. I must be imagining it.

She was distracted by the teacher asking her a question.
"Charlie, are you even paying attention?"

"Uhm, no. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I noticed that. Please, pay attention miss Charlie."

"I will, sorry, Sir."

After that he started talking again about whatever he was teaching now and when he was talking for a little while she looked out the window again.

She didn't see the Alec man with the bow and arrow standing outside anymore.

Maybe she had hallucinated it, at least she hopes.

The bell that stated the first break rang.

Charlie started walking out the classroom fast, but she was stopped by the teacher.

"Charlie, how are you doing? You seem really distracted lately."

Am I really that distracted. I thought I wasn't daydreaming that much at school?

"No, nothing's wrong, Sir. I'm just a bit distracted but it's fine, Sir. I'll try to pay better attention next time."

And after that, she walked out. To the lunch area. She saw Meagan and her friends sitting at their usual table. Charlie walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey, Charlie. How are you doing?" Ilony, one of Meagans friends, asked.

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"Great!..." And she started rambling about het weekend and her plans for next weekend and everything.

Everyone started along, but Charlie kept quiet. She was just thinking, really much.

She kept overthinking and it really started to bother her and make her tired in her head. Mentally she was exhausted, but physically she kept a hard face.

She was ruined, in her mind. She couldn't be fixed until she stopped thinking. But she probably won't stop thinking soon until she found a solution to her problems.

After lunch she had a few more lessons and after that she was finally done. She could go home and go to the safety of her own room. She actually wanted to sleep early, so she could visit the dreamworld again. But she had stuff to do...

After she came home she threw her stuff into her room and went down again.

"And, how was school?" Her mom asked as soon as she sat down on the couch to watch some relaxing tv.

"Okay, it was school. How late are we going to eat?"

"Probably around 7. I have to visit your grandma for a minute."

"Oh, okay. Then I have plenty enough time to clean my room and everything."

"I'll call you when I get back. I prepared dinner already, only have to heat it up once I get back home."

"Okay, say hi to granny from me."

"I'll do. See you later!"

"Bye mom!"

After her mom got out of the door, Charlie got up and went upstairs yo her room.

She was planning to clean it all out. Throw stuff away she never used anymore or was broken, take the posters from the wall and rearrange some stuff in her room, from what she could rearrange at least.

Her mom only came home at 7.30pm so we ate around 8pm.

After that she went into the shower, made herself ready and got into bed. Ready to dream and visit her friends. And probably ask Alec if he was in the real world somehow.

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