Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Bang. The gun shoots. I'm running, running as fast as I can. After a few minutes, I reach the finish line. I won the 800 race... Again. Not that it was a surprise since I'm the fastest in my league. I walk over to my mom who was waiting for me with a water bottle and open arms. I squeeze her tight as she congratulates me.
"Great job Isabelle!"
"Thanks mom." At my first track meet, I was so happy to be praised but after winning every time for months and years, it becomes routine and unexciting. Going out for ice cream had also became a tradition after a good competition but even this became boring, although I didn't want to tell my mom this. As we were walking off the field and into the parking lot, my mom asks:
"What flavor of ice cream will you get this time Izzy?" It was now or never. Either I tell her now or be stuck getting ice cream after track for eternity.
"Actually I was thinking we could just go straight home today mom."
"Are you feeling ok? Do you need some more water?"
"No mom I'm fine, but-" I never got to finish my sentence. I had seen my mom look over, though not seeing what she had. The next thing I knew, I was pushed onto the ground. I heard a huge crunch then a horrifying shriek came from a few feet away. I looked behind me to see my mom lying on the ground. A big truck was now parked in front of her and a man was coming out and running over to her. He took one look at my mom and I and snapped out his phone.
"Hello 911? I'm at the track field by..." Then, I fell into darkness as the pain from my leg took over.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter. I'll probably be posting a few chapters at a time. Talk to you soon! ~Katie

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