Chapter 3

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When I woke up, I was in a different room then I fell asleep in. I had a bright pink cast on my entire right leg. I looked to my left and saw my grandfather sleeping in the arm chair. Not wanting to wake him, I continued to look around. I found that the room I was in was really cozy for a hospital room. I tried to get out of bed but all of a sudden, a nurse came in.
"What are you doing Miss Harrison? You are supposed to be resting!"
"But I need to get up and walk so my leg can heal and I can run track again!" I countered.
"You seriously damaged your leg. You might never be able to walk, let alone run, ever again."
What was this I was hearing? I might never be able to run? How am I supposed to do track if I can't run?
"How long was I out? And how long will I have to stay here? I want to go see how my mom is."
"You were out for three days. Lucky for you, you can leave as soon as I'm done with this check up.
The nurse began to check me over and taking my vitals once again. Finally she was done.
"You say that you're going to look for your mom?"
I nodded.
"Well you won't have to look for long. She's waiting for you outside."
My heart surged. My mom was ok!
By that time, my grandfather had woken up.
"Pop-Pop!" I shouted. He came over to me and I squeezed him tight.
"Is Gram here?" I asked. He nodded.
"She's in the waiting room with your mother."
"Can we go home?" At this point I just wanted to sleep in my own bed.
"Of course sweetie. Would you like to me to pick up Kiera on our way?"
"Could you please?" I could always sleep later. Right now I really wanted to talk to my best friend. I texted her saying: Coming home from the hospital now. Want us to pick u up? U can hang at my house 4 a while.
She replied within seconds saying: Sure. After do u want to have a sleepover?
I pondered that. I said ok because even though I wanted to sleep, I also wanted to see my best friend.

Well it's good that her mom's ok but how will she be able to run? Find out soon! ~Katie

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