Chapter 5

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I woke to Kiera softly shaking me.
"It's morning!" She said loudly. She always wakes me up at the crack of dawn. We got dressed and went downstairs to eat. I shoveled the pancakes down my throat and Kiera once again called her mom to tell her that she could pick her up around three. After breakfast, my mom finally came down.
"Hi mom." I said. She looked up and waved at me. I could see the tiredness in her eyes.
"Hi darling. How are you feeling?"
"I've been better. How are you feeling?" She took a deep breath before speaking.
"Very tired. I'm so sorry that all of this happened-"
"No mom. It's my fault; if I had been paying attention to where I was going and not been ranting about how I don't like ice cream then, this would've never happened. I'm so, so sorry mom. I hope you can forgive me."
"Don't blame yourself sweetie."
"Ok. But don't blame yourself either." At that point our conversation was obviously over.
"Isabelle and I are going to watch a movie." Keira said to my mom trying to break the silence that had come between us.
"Ok girls. Have fun!" And with that we left the room.

Sorry there wasn't much in this chapter. It was pretty much just a filler... By the way, you guys should follow my friend Chloe72303. She helps my write this story when I get a bit of writers block. She's writing this fanfiction of Percy Jackson. It's basically another book to the the Heroes of Olympus series. Talk to you soon! ~Katie

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