Chapter 6

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When three o'clock rolled around, Keira's mom was right at the doorstep. Soon enough it was dinner and then bed. I was glad to finally get a goodnight's sleep but I had an odd suspicion that something bad was going to happen.
The next week went by quick and it was finally the weekend again. Since it was a Saturday, there was a track meet. Usually I would've competed but since the accident, I couldn't run so I was going to support Keira.
When I got to the school, everyone stared at me for a minute and then swarmed me. I hadn't gone to school all week so no one knew that I had broken my leg except Keira.
"Back away give her some space." That was Keira. Since she knew me better then I know myself, she knew that all I wanted was some space.
After the track meet, there was a party in Keira's honor. She came in first place in shotput for our league. Me and all of our track friends went to her house for pizza and cake. I was happy to see everyone again and actually talk to someone other than my family.
After the party, my grandparents drove me home. When I rolled into the kitchen, I almost started to cry. My mom was laying on the ground, shaking, covered in blood. Thank goodness my grandad had pushed me into the house because I wouldn't have known what to do. I heard my grandad call 911 and within seconds and ambulance was rolling down our street.
They burst into the house and once again placed my mom on a stretcher. My grandfather practically carried me to the car. During the drive, I sat in silence. I didn't know how to react. What had happened? I thought my mom was fine, that the accident hadn't done anything to her. Boy was I wrong.

So... Turns out Isabelle's mom isn't ok. What will happen next?

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