Chapter 11

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"No! I'm not going to dinner with you after you did that!" I shout.

"Payton, sweetie, I know you are mad, but you need to come out of your room." Dad reasons.

"No! I hate you and mom! I hope you fall of a cliff and die!" I cry.

"Payton! We are sorry, but you needed to spend less time with him." Mom explains.

I don't say anything.

"We will be home around nine." Dad sighs.

"It's ten o'clock! Where the hell are they?" I say to myself.

The house phone rings.

"Hello, Payton Grey?" the stern male voice says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I regret to say this, but your parents are gone. They crashed off the bluffs." He says.

"Oh," I sigh shocked.

"I'm very sorry ma'am." He apologizes.

I can't believe it. I drop the phone after hanging up.

I drop to my knees. I cry, and say "I did this!" over and over again.


"You killed us, Payton!" My dads voice echoes.

I jump awake.

"Babe, babe you're okay." Danny rubs my arms.

The front door slams shut. I jump out of bed. I run to the top of the stair case.

Danny comes up behind me, "It's okay,"

Danny's mom and dad stand at the bottom of the stairs.

"Danny," his dad says.

Danny parents notices he's only wearing boxers. I'm wearing one of Danny's T-shirts. Danny's mom stares at the engagement ring on my left ring finger.

"Mother, it is three a.m." Danny rubs his eyes.

"We wanted to tell you that you're a uncle," Danny's mom smiles.

"Arian was pregnant?" Danny asks.

"She wanted it to be a surprise," Danny's dad says.

"So is it a niece or nephew?" I ask.

"It's a nephew." Danny's Mother smiles.

"We bought you three plane tickets to go see her," Danny's dad holds out plane tickets.

"Oh my god!" Danny smiles.

"These are for you, Payton, and anyone else," Danny's mom smiles.

Why is she being so nice all of a sudden?

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston," I smile.

"It's our pleasure," Danny's mom smiles.

"Call us mom and dad,Danny's dad says.

"Will do," I say.

The next week Danny and I fly down to Texas to visit Danny's sister Arian and her new son.

"Hey!" Arian greets us.

"Hey, sis," Danny greets.

"You must be Payton," She opens her arms for a hug.

I give her a hug, and we all enter the medium sized condo.

"This is Jason," Arian picks up her baby.

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