Chapter 18

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I don't know how many applications I filled out, or how many job interviews I went to.

They all said the same thing, "You are very qualified, but..."


I had no other choice...

"Welcome to Ray & Jay Modeling Co." The happy receptionist says.

"Yeah, I'm Payton McCain," I sigh.

"Right this way," She leads me back to a office.

She tells me to knock and wait. She walks back to her desk. I knock and wait for two point five seconds until the door swings open.

"Ms. McCain! We knew you would come around!" They usher me to a seat in front of their desk. No I just need a well paying job.

"So I just need you to do one shoot, and if you like it. You sign a contract, and you do shoots every week. Deal?" Jay says.

"Deal," I agree.

They shake my hand, and I leave. The shoot was in three days.


Wednesday morning I got up at five in the morning. Way to early for my taste, but the shoot was at seven. I take a quick hot shower. Wrapping my towel around me I walk back into my room. I sit on the edge of my bed.

Danny stirs, but starts snoring again. I walk over to my dresser, and pull a black lace bra and panty set out. I release my towel, and slip on the lacy Victoria secret underwear that hugged my butt. I clasp the bar in place, and fall back into the bed. Putting on a bra is a lot of work. Danny now fully awake, stares at me. His eyes studying my body. A devilish smirk appears on his face.

"Who are you wearing that for?" He chuckles.

I craw to him, and straddle him.

"It's for you after my photo shoot,"

I play with his bottom lip with my thumb.

"But, the booty!  Now!" He says like a seven year old.

"Later," I say getting off the bed.

I walk into my closet laughing. I don't even bother shutting the door. I wear something simple, considering I'll probably have to put on a 'provided outfit'. A burgundy spaghetti strap tank top, black leggings, and black ankle boots. Damn, I'm wearing a lot of burgundy lately.

I walk out of my closet, and over to my oval mirror. I leave my hair down. Brushing it out until it's just the way I want. I stare into the mirror watching Danny sleep. I but on a cute bracelet that is a shaped like an arrow.

"I should be back before one," I shout loud enough to wake Danny.

"Okay, Payton, have fun," He says still half asleep.

I roll my eyes and walk out to my car.

"Okay. So your dressing room is this way! There is s outfits in there that you will wear. Let me know if you need anything," Alison Jay's assistant directs.

"Okay, thanks," I mutter.

Walking into the dimly lit dressing room, the smell of lavender hits my nose. It's a pleasant smell. I pick the outfit on top up, and hold it against myself. This is a beautiful dress! It's simple, white.

It makes my blue eyes and black hair pop. My hair cascades over the bust of the dress. It is tight through out. The dress is at my mid thigh. I walk out and into the photo taking area. The beauticians swarm around me. They make my make up look natural, but also edgy.  My hair is swooshed very sexily over to one side. I must say, I now know why Danny likes this look. I laugh to myself.

I'm directed over to a fake sycamore tree. The hoist me up into it. I sit on a overhanging branch, the type of branch a dad would tie a tire swing to.

"Lean up against the tree. Don't look at the camera," The director said.

I'm confused upon why I shan't look at the camera, but I do as told. The photographer takes like five pictures. Then I am told to do a different pose. He tells me to look 'sexually' into the camera.

I gap my mouth just a tad. The photographer snaps a lot of pictures. After a few more poses, the director says I can get down now. I notice Ray off in the shadows watching. As I climb down out of the realistic fake sycamore tree, into the fake grass, and away from the fake blue sky sunny day background.

He walks over to me, clapping.

"You are a natural!" He smiles.

"Thank you," I smile.

"This photo shoot will pay around one grand," Jay says standing beside Ray.

"Cool," I say.

"So what did you think," Jay asks.

"I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed it," I admit.

"The guys over there did too," Ray says gesturing towards a bunch of muscular guys, licking their lips at me. I roll my eyes, turning back to face Jay and Ray.

"So what do you think? Wanna model for us?" They say in unison, extending their hands toward me.

I quickly think of an answer. I shake each of their hands.

"Great! See you next week!" Jay says walking away.

Ray smiles and runs to catch up with Jay.

"How did it go?" Danny asks fiddling with my bra strap.

I stare into his blue orbs. He bites his lip desperately wanting to take my bra off.

"Let's just say, you can tell people you are engaged to a model," I smile.

"I already tell people that," He smiles propping me up on his lap. He kisses my lips.

"Riley and Jase are coming over in an hour," I say.

"I only need ten minutes of your time," He laughs kissing from my jaw down to my collar bone.

"Maybe I need thirty minutes of your time," I mock.

"Don't play like that," He groans.

"Who said I was?" I laughed kissing his jaw.

"Modeling changed you; I like it," He says standing up.

I wrap my legs around his waist as he practically runs up stairs.


"That was longer than thirty minutes," I laugh.

"It felt awesome!" Danny says.

I roll my eyes, and then my body onto the floor.

"Ow," I groan.

"Sorry," Danny apologizes.

"No I'm not sore. I just hit my face on the floor," I groan.

"You're speaking in rhymes," Danny chuckles.

I grunt, and push myself off the floor.


"How did it go?" Riley asks.

"I'm now a model," I laugh.

"Yay!" Riley giggles.

"She has to be sore, bro," Jase whispers to Danny. "I hear you in there!" I shout into the living room. "Oops!" Danny and Jase  laugh. I face palm, men—correction boys!

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